The fact that you are not getting flames into the riser tells me that you perhaps don't have enough draw going on.
If your J tube is not rounded at the back end (where the riser starts) then you will not get a fully efficient burn.
If you have not found this site yet,
Donkey's proboard site Then this link will get you to the best information on Rocket stoves, Batch stoves etc.
The folks there are really super with posting their experimental results and there are charts/ formulas/ spreadsheets on every measurement for most sizes of
Rocket stove.
If your riser is long enough, then you should be getting a temperature of around 1600 degrees from a burn. The riser for a 5.5" J tube should be around 3 feet tall and 5.5" inside diameter.
peterberg batchbox dimensions
One other thing to check; make sure your dimensions on the J tunnel are correct or at least very close to correct, these are really important to get a fully efficient burn. Also, do your checking at night so the flames are easier to see, a P channel will also help get a complete burn and improve efficiency.