Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
"Green University connects the dots from wilderness survival to sustainable living in the modern world."
Green University LLC - Pony, Montana
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
"Green University connects the dots from wilderness survival to sustainable living in the modern world."
Green University LLC - Pony, Montana
"Green University connects the dots from wilderness survival to sustainable living in the modern world."
Green University LLC - Pony, Montana
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
"Green University connects the dots from wilderness survival to sustainable living in the modern world."
Green University LLC - Pony, Montana
Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
S Bengi wrote:
These are wild seedling, which are probably 95% bitter almond aka poisonous.
They are pretty cheap, so someone could do a cultivar selection program.
I do know of a Canadian vendor who has done a bit of selection and offers "sweet" Siberian almond.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Earthworks are the skeleton; the plants and animals flesh out the design.
A feeble attempt to tell you about our stuff that makes us money
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work