Bill wrote:If it were me, I would build a log cabin and then build light straw/woodchip clay walls on the inside with a double roof as well(inner roof insulated to R-60 and outer roof vented).
As for construction, I am aiming for r65 exterior walls, r60 floor, and r90 roof. I may not be able to get those ratings using log and cob, or other natural building materials. would be nice to find a passive way for the house and greenhouse to work together, though...
Miles Flansburg wrote:Hey Thomas, you said that you have family in the Denver area. Have they ever been to your land?
I was thinking that if they had time and a good vehicle that they could drive over there and take some pictures so you could see what it was like this winter.
Maybe tell you how the snow drifts and how it melts in the spring.
It almost looks like the neighbor to the north of you has a yurt? Might be a good person to get to know!
Have you played around with the county assessor website? You can find a parcel map of your property and then find the names and adresses of your neighbors.
You actually have a couple of neighbors from Florida!
~ Bob Fiske
'Look to this day, for it is life!' -sanskrit
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Your opinion of me doesn’t define who I am --tiny ad
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies