Great Video, very good information on how to get beavers to do their building where you need/ want them to.
Wonderful explanation of why the creator made them too. Now if everyone would just watch this and learn from it, beaver would be seen for what they truly are, builders.
The only reason to move beavers is if the pond happens to be your drinking
water source, their presence in that case will be detrimental to you and your family's health.
That is the only time I would think of moving them away or worst case, trapping them.
I see the beaver as one of earth mother's helpers, they can seem to be destructive and for some things I am sure they are.
But the many benefits far outweigh what could be seen as bad.
As this video shows, we just have to learn to think like a beaver, then we can direct their construction projects to our benefit.
In the big picture, they do far more good for the land and plant diversity than they do harm.
I see beavers as constructors not destructors, and if needed, a food / hide source. They are good tasting and their fur is super soft and warm, their teeth make good knives and scrapers too.
It is the same for all nature born beings, our perception can be tainted by a narrow focus on personal desires instead of taking in the whole scheme of the grandness of nature.
We live within nature and the land, not upon it. This Video points this out very well.
It has been the bane of mankind to have the backwards idea that mother earth is here for us to exploit, all that thinking has done is destroy the place upon which we live.
It is our duty to keep the earth for the generations that will come long after we have moved to the spirit world.
How sad it would be if our great, great, great grandchildren have a barren world because of our negligence and