Brave New Leaf - Everyman Environmentalism
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
"One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. - Dr. Michel Odent
Susan Monroe wrote:
Maybe it depends on how old your car is (mine is an '85 Chev Cavalier that just keeps running), but here in western WA, stuff seems to be happening under the moss and mold.
I wash it once a year, whether it needs it or not!
When I drove limo in Las Vegas, we had these flannel cloths that we bought from an auto parts store. We would wipe it over the cars to remove the dust, but they couldn't do much for mud.
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Kelowna, BC
Zone 5
In some places, like Florida, it's a crucial step to minimize rust-damage.
I don't know the number for sure but I have a friend who is a production engineer who told me the most environmentally sensitive vehicle is an old vehicle unless you drive quite a lot of mileage. That number is just the water consumption and does not include the fossil fuels to make the steel and plastics. He told me my break-even on changing out my 32MPG vehicle for a hybrid was probably a 120 mile commute every day, but that was based on hybrid manufacturers' claims, which are likely optimistic.According to it takes over 40,000 gallons of water to build a new car.
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
Permaculture, Tiny House Living, Homesteading
Dirt = more wind resistance = higher fuel use.
I think water conservation can get taken a bit overboard.
which may be slightly hyperbolic. Drought is relative, and much of the area of "drought" is desert absent intervention. I remember Worldwatch was warning about water wars since the 80s (yeah I'm old) and the reality is that most of the water worldwide is used in agriculture. There are water fluctuations intermittently in any big area, and soil carbon is a big part of the answer! That's what we are all about on here right? It is why this made so much sense, dampen the fluctuations with carbon (which we have a surplus) and we fix two problems at the same time. And maybe grow lemons in Montana!But the reality is that much of the US, and the world, is in a record-breaking drought-state.
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
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