Went out for a little foraging expedition in the neighborhood.
Collected a lot of Soapberries
Sapindus drummondii which were still hanging on the
trees. These aren't edible but they can be used for
Finally got Canada Onions
Allium canadense from a patch I've been eyeing for years. I already have a lot of this wonderful onion, but want more genetic diversity.
Collected a few seeds of Mexican Buckeye
Ungnadia speciosa. These seeds aren't edible but they are cute and the small tree has beautiful pink flowers:
The big bonanza was a whole lot of Sotol
Dasylirion texanum. Some of these I'll eat but most of them I'll plant in appropriate spots on our
The bulblike stem is the edible part. Some of these lost their
roots when I dug them up, so I'll be eating those, or rather, trying to figure out a good way to prepare them for eating. They were one of the main
staple carbohydrates of
native folks here. Previous taste tests garnered the designation "yucky."
Here's the Sotol patch I've gathered from for years. This is across the road from PoPo restaurant in Nelson
City, if anyone wants to go get some for themselves. This parcel of land has been for sale for decades and is essentially abandoned.