Firstly, greetings from the UK and I'd like to thank all involved in this fabulous forum for all their help and information - brilliant!
I've been studying Peters excellent Batchrocket Resource site and would like to build a Peterberg inspired rocketstove to heat a masonry bell and a
hot water system.
I want to use an existing 'box stove' (Charnwood Country 4) as the firebox and connect this to a 130mm diameter lightweight, insulated heat riser.. The internal firebox dimensions of the box stove are approx 350mm wide, 355mm high (sloping to 235mm high) and 210mm deep. According to the stove calculation table by Doug Ptacek the ideal firebox size for a 130mm system is 187mm wide x 281mm high x 374mm deep. There's obviously some discrepancies between my box stove firebox dimensions and the 'ideal'... The main issue appears to be the depth (front to back) dimension. I intend to use the Matt Walker floor based secondary air channel in this application. I don't think there's room for a sidewinder type of port/riser arrangement.
I'd like to use the box stove as part of the construction as it has a nice, close fitting glass fronted door and precise primary and pre-heated secondary/air wash controls. I'm quite prepared to cut away part of the back wall of the stove to accomodate the preferred front to back dimensions of the batch rocket firebox and modify the baffle arrangement. I intend to line all of the firebox with insulating vermiculite firebricks and hard fire bricks backed by ceramic fibre blanket in high abrasion areas.
Do I really need to make major alterations to the box stove or would the finished contraption work (albeit with perhaps a certain compromise on performance) with the existing dimensions? Could I simply place the fuel load at right angles to the port rather than the recommended 'front to back'?I realise that at the very least I would need to cut out the 'port' area in the rear wall of the stove to connect this to the heat riser.
Anyway, many thanks in advance for any help and advice and there's a barrage of extra questions to come!