Idle dreamer
jacqueg wrote:
It seems to me that building/maintaining soil, air, and watersheds are also ag products, and should be included in the equation. And shouldn't human health be part of the production figure? Corn and soy have their places, but a future where all people chow is made from corn and/or soy may not be a productivity we want.
HeritageFarm wrote:
On ethanol, it takes as much energy (or almost as much) to MAKE ethonal as is produced by burning ethanol.
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The farming village was above all a society of philosophers without a need for philosophy - Fukuoka
JoshTH wrote:
I think with unlimited fossil fuels big ag could produce almost limitless volumes of grain, until we run out of topsoil/livable planet. The conventional ag people have a point, they feed most of the world right now and we would be screwed if disease etc. wiped it out completely next year. Besides, for the time being food production is at least a worthwhile thing to do with our precious fossil fuels. Furthermore I think the conventional people are referring to productivity per human, which volume wise is much more than permaculture can do. Conventional ag meets our needs today, but permaculture could meet our needs today and in the future.
Take away the subsidies of all forms, and permaculture is more productive and permanent. I would wager that on an acre to acre comparison permaculture has the potential to be more productive (even in volume if that was the desired yield, and with more human input of course). Today, we only need a relatively small number of people doing conventional ag to drive the machines etc. A healthy future requires mass amounts of people learning about better ways than conventional. Therefore of people studying food production, we currently need about 1% studying conventional and 99% studying permaculture style, which makes studying permaculture way more important. I wish I could communicate this with my peers
HeritageFarm wrote:
Well, unfortunately oil is not going to last forever, we've also got the issue of climate change. Furthermore, conventional agriculture degrades soil, pollutes water, air, soil, and the end consumer.
relevant ->Hardy Kiwi Kickstarter l YogaToday 2 week trial l Daring Drake Farm - NY
The farming village was above all a society of philosophers without a need for philosophy - Fukuoka
Kathleen Sanderson wrote:
In a world with increasing numbers of people unemployed, I don't think it's a disadvantage that permaculture would require more human labor. I do think it is strongly preferable that the labor be that of owners rather than hired or even slaves (as has often been the case in past eras). Most of us would rather be at least somewhat independent, rather than dependent on the good will of an employer (or slave-master).
Idle dreamer
joshthewhistler wrote:
I wrote an essay (attached) on exactly this topic which you may like to read. I included a large amount of references since it will be read (and marked) by someone who has probably not heard of permaculture before...
joshthewhistler wrote:
I wrote an essay (attached) on exactly this topic which you may like to read. I included a large amount of references since it will be read (and marked) by someone who has probably not heard of permaculture before...
Ludi wrote:
I'm not sure how we're going to manage to get that many land owners when land is too expensive for most people. It's hard for me to imagine some kind of peaceful land redistribution. I don't think large-scale land-owners are going to volunteer to give their land away just because people need it.
joshthewhistler wrote:
I wrote an essay (attached) on exactly this topic which you may like to read. I included a large amount of references since it will be read (and marked) by someone who has probably not heard of permaculture before...
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Idle dreamer
There is nothing permanent in a culture dependent on such temporaries as civilization.
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