hau Blaze,
Other than the considerations mentioned by Elle; are there any other stands on your road or the road where you plan to put your stand?
If there aren't any others and there is lots of traffic, along with easy to get permission to build a stand there, then
the answer is perhaps.
The reason for that is you will need to be present to do any selling of produce and that means you will be there every day you are open for as long as you are open.
Farmer's markets may cost some money for a stall but they come with a ready to buy client base, so selling will be easier and the hours are set for you.
Our farmer's markets are open two days a week from 7 am to 5 pm, some people stay the whole open time, some
sell out and go home early.
Farmer's markets have fewer "window shoppers" but there may be more people who spirit way your goods. These "bad" folks depend on your attention being on someone else.