Wow, nice grafts I just have to say that first.
Since the buds are pushing you definitely don't want bud frost or freeze that would be a disaster at this point for the new grafts.
Option 2 is fine as long as there can be
enough warm air so they don't freeze just from air temp or wind burn.
They can do just fine as they are as long as you keep them damp and happy for at least another two weeks maybe even a month.
Now that we have those options explained, I will tell you what I would do.
You can temp. pot those up in sleeves, if you have some or can acquire plastic sleeve material (can be usually found at a package shipping store, they use it to make those inflated shock adsorbing bubbles).
That way you can give them soil to grow in (or even more sphagnum moss) and let their
roots grow without danger of
root tangles when you are ready to plant them out.