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"I really like most of this post. Unfortunately these forums do have a strict organics or better rule. If you could rework your post slightly to remove the endorsement of poisons it would be wonderful to have it in this discussion. "
This hit me as a little weird, so I thought it might be possibly worth taking up peoples time to discuss it.
I am not sure if quoting the original message will get this
thread held in probation, so will leave that out.
As far as I am aware, permies does not force us to only talk about using organic lumber to build houses, so why
should it apply to killing rodents? What good is their is making sure a rats last meal is organic?
Certified organic farms use the standard conventional rat poisons, if it is good
enough for a certified organic farm why is it banned from being discussed here?
Furthermore, I just made myself, what might be considered, organic rodent poison. My post did not specify any particular type of poison. Poison definitely does not exclude Organic.
In my opinion, any talk about pest control simply has to include poisons/food based killing methods. In many instances an infestation is simply not going to be possible to treat without them.