hau Jay, lots of different methods you have listed work great, but be careful to not get so many going at the same time that you end up with more to take care of than you can manage right off the bat.
I have worm beds and compost heaps, those two take care of what items our hogs and
chickens don't eat.
you mention; worm bins and BSFL for quail and chicken feed, the BSFL are great, then you will have bedding with poop that can lay out for the chickens to scratch through (deep litter style) or you can start a compost heap with that material and even add cow manure to the mix for a super nice compost that will be full of all the right life forms for garden soil improvement. Meat can be composted in a hot compost heap with enough material to have the meat deep inside the heap or you can cook it and then the chickens can eat worm sized bits of it.
If you are near a town, you might be able to collect grass clippings in bags and or leaves in the fall which are great additions to compost heaps.
Worms can be raised in bins or in lined trenches but the trenches require a lot more material than bins.
BSF can be raised in worm bin like containers or even 5 gal buckets with lids.
Rabbit droppings are ready to use manure so those can simply be put on the garden as you collect them.
Biggest thing is to step back, pick two for start up, then as you get comfortable in your place you can always add one or two additional methods of waste recycling.