The last year, I failed. I had grandiose dreams of excelling in my journey to
freedom. Life, had other plans for me.
I am blessed to have a tract of
land in Western North Carolina (just a dozen miles from my birthplace). Even though my family moved from the area when I was five, my heart and soul have always felt tied to that part of the country. I've had the pleasure to travel the world, and no place has ever felt the same.
Knowing something, and being able to capitalize on it are two different things. It's like those "experts" that can talk the talk, but never do any of the walking. My passions and skills for the outdoors came together with the opportunity to move back to that part of the country, and make my dreams come true. Life is never that simple.
My land has nothing built on it. I have an abundance of forest and streams, but no utilities or
shelters of any sort. If only life was free, I could have moved directly there and attempted to build the cabin of my dreams. It's those conveniences in life that make things difficult. I need a cell phone for business and to talk to family and friends. I need my car, so that I can get around. I admit that these are crutches of modern society, but they are crutches that I've grown accustomed to.
The closest
city to my land is a frequent tourist and outdoors area. When I moved into the area last year, I found it difficult to find affordable housing. My decision was made, to rent in town nearby. Here I found myself over an hour and a half's drive from where I wanted to be. I also found myself working horrible little jobs just to pay the bills. I was unhappy. I met a woman who lived a few hours south, and I moved to be a bit closer to her. After all, I wasn't able to do what I wanted living nearby, but the same fate struck again. Now, I was about two hours away from my land, and was working little piddly jobs. I only had a few opportunities to go up and camp on my land. I had no chance to do any building or clearing as I had intended.
This year, I have my chance to rectify my situation. I now realize that I must be closer. When you know what you want, there are sacrifices that one has to make. My next struggle is to determine how much I want to sacrifice in order to gain the freedom that I want.
My plans have not been stagnated. I have found solutions on how to proceed, and am attempting to build relationships to help me along that process. One of the largest cogs in my plan is composting. I see composting as my way to get
sustainability. Many people think that sustainability is an independent thing, something that allows for a reclusive non-dependence on outside society. For me, my sustainability will be provided by the society surrounding me.
In speaking with
local restaurants, I was able to find that they were more than willing to give me food scraps. This included a chinese buffet, a seafood restaurant, a BBQ joint, and several other cafes and local establishments. Here was a resource that could easily be capitalized upon, with a little investing of equipment and time. This will hinge upon the use of 5 gallon buckets, given to the restaurants and picked up later that night. The buffet told me that they would need four buckets a night, and need them emptied each and every night. Even that one restaurant would provide me with many options on how to utilize the waste food.
The easiest way to deal with this food, would be to have several large
compost piles. Not only would this be labor intensive, but it could be a danger due to the wildlife in my area of the mountains. The last thing that I want, is to be a refuge for refuse. Bears would love to get their hands on left over Chinese. I needed to find a method that is environmentally friendly, and is not too labor intensive. After all, it is just me that will be doing all of this work. I wish that I could have a few interns helping me out, but I do not even have living quarters for myself, much less for others.
Determination has
led me to developing a theoretical system for how to deal with the large quantity of food waste that is available to me. At the core of this system is livestock. I could take the easy way out, and get a few guinea hogs. I might get one guinea hog eventually, but they are not going to be the backbone of my system. I desire livestock that are not too noisy, and do not take enormous amounts of handling and care. My time is much better suited to building structures and beginning my homestead, so easy livestock is a priority.
Chickens would be a simple solution also, but they are too noisy for my preferences. I only have 18 acres of land, and have neighbors that are "near-ish" to me. Some day, I may introduce a few
chickens that help turn compost, but they are not the animals that I will focus on.
My two main composting animals are going to be Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Superworms (King worms). The food materials that would attract the most wildlife would either be put into the BSFL composting, or into homemade biogas composters that I intend to build. Having this food under a layer of
water will be a great way to keep it away from scavengers. Plus, capturing a small amount of methane for cooking and lighting will be a benefit. The main reason for the BSFL and Superworms are to
feed to the livestock that I plan to have.
I will have a flock of quail, a breeding trio of
rabbits, a bunch of guinea pigs, and a flock of muscovie ducks. I plan to have at least one livestock guardian dog, and a couple of cats. My second stage livestock will be to add a single guinea hog and two Nigerian dwarf goat does. It is my intention to start with the livestock that will take the least work first (Quail, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and Muscovies). I do not see this plan working without the ability to get all of the food waste for free.
Free is such a misunderstood word, because it's the cheapest things in life that take the most work. Compost is my method to get freedom. Even though my sustainability is dependent upon others, I feel that this plan exemplifies what the true nature of sustainability is. This would provide me with nutrients for my garden, as well as food for my animals. Would you call that sustainable?
I'm interested to hear of any suggestions or ideas that you have for me. What do you think of my livestock choices?
I am excited to be setting out on my journey again this year. I want to take you all along with me.