"The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow"
Anonymous Agrarian Blog
Kevin Olson wrote:Young -
Back to the liver: metabolizing large quantities of fructose (sugary beverages are the primary culprit, but it's in all manner of packaged foods) will lead to fatty liver disease and sclerosis (the same sort of damage seen in chronic alcoholics). I've heard of cases of children as young 12 years of age presenting with fatty liver disease and sclerosis. Not only will there be the potential for the poor metabolic health downstream, but also for permanent liver damage.
Please (please!) be very careful with long-term diets high in fructose.
I think I detect that your are moving toward a more typically "permie" position - pass the food stuff through something else first, before you eat it.
Fred Frank V Bur wrote:No one wants to be doing more work to reap the same amount. I am not sure about using any cellulose for all my dietary needs still. But farming is thought to be hard, but even without machinery it could be done much more easily than generally thought in our modern culture, and in other circumstances too, clearly. The Fukuoka method of natural farming would be much easier, I would try making use of having seedballs prepared for casting to the area where I want the plants from them to grow. There cannot be no work but I think living should not be such great work and effort to keep going. Having others in community should be for making things easier. But the way it has been it yet really isn't, still it could be, if with others this way.
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Linden Sai wrote:Interesting thinking. 1 quite important point is missing thus far, though. FUNGI are the a main nature's decomposers of cellulose. They, as well as the process, are vital for the health and stability of the whole / (eco-)system and health and wellbeing of individual, alike. Trying to by-pass this important component of the whole-system design would come at a great energy cost and dire consequences.
The least is you need varied diet, with vitamins, oils, aminoacids, minerals, etc., not only carbs/calories.
Young Jun Lee wrote:Sugar can be converted to vitamins, oils, amino acids, etc. using chemical processes. Minerals are trace, so not much stockpiling will be needed.
Burra Maluca wrote:
My understanding was that sugar can only be converted into SOME amino acids, and more to the point some of the NON-ESSENTIAL ones. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Proteins also need nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and sometimes other elements too. They can't just be magicked up from sugar. I'd be very much looking for other sources of protein to go along with anything you can get from cellulose.
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