Welcome to Permies Mama Mary, though I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough run right now. Unless you plan on
WWOOFing or something, there is really very little that the "permie-life" can do for you right now - it's a purely financial scenario at the start.
If this is in a town/city, I'd probably go without a car for awhile, and picking up a cheap bicycle on the e-classifieds might be a good start.
Getting rid of that debt is the biggest priority, either by paying it off or declaring bankruptcy. A job is necessary at this point, so I'd find one that is tolerable, even if it's not enjoyable. Phil hits on a good opportunity though, that if one could find a farm job in the country, they may actually be able to "rough it"(sleep in their van or something) for the summer and this would save a lot by not having to pay rent.
Along with that, I'd go with some of
these financial tips. Reduce the bills to the minimum amount possible and use the savings to reinvest and compound the savings effect - I find it easiest to start this process with the grocery bill.
During this time any skill or resource available needs to be utilized. Whether it's selling paintings of sunsets, reusing tin cans to use as starters for flowers and selling them this spring, or doing yardwork clean up in your neighbourhood on the weekends - whatever it is, every little bit matters.
After that, only you can really determine what "permie-life" means and begin to work towards that. I assume whether one is a permie or a homesteader, the goal is to own land so using saving up to buy a parcel would be the last big hurdle.
It's been hard so far, but it's climbing back up that is the biggest challenge. This next year will take a lot out of you, but stay focused and keep going while taking notice "I'm doing better than I was last week".
Best of luck - you can do it :)