I give this book 9 out of 10 acorns.
After reading it from the library, I’m going too have to buy it. It is just too full of options for making beer, wine and sodas from found and purchased
local ingredients to take pictures of relevant pages or check it out every time I want to brew. For Baudar, brewing seems to be an ongoing process. I like the fact that he suggests ingredient ratios small
enough to be brewed in quart jars (and larger batches as well.). He develops quite a relationship with his concoctions, assessing fermentation several times a day, tasting frequently and adding ingredients as needed. These are not fix it and forget it projects.
There is an emphasis on safety, both in gathering and preparing. I found his explanations of the science of fermentation clear and encouraging. His enthusiasm for really connecting with the local “terroir” , basically what grows where you are, got me thinking Beach Plums and Sumac. I appreciated his examples from his home turf near Los Angeles, but really tired of how often he referenced ingredients I will never see. He did add some references to the brews he made for a
workshop in Vermont, but I would have vastly preferred more examples from other climates. My reaction is no doubt influenced by my relative newness (not quite three years) to this ecosystem.
I found The Wildcrafting Brewer to be an inspiration, a jumping off point, useful after I have more thoroughly explored my own terroir. Which is, of
course, a very worthy goal.