It seems good that, seeing as someone has democratized my thought, I
should stop by!
YES! There MUST be a practical element to this. I am also drivelous (just wrote poetry on one thread - sorry if it's gushy... has a point...) so it is necessary to do this. FOCUS!!
How about a Zip Code search? Like a Permies MeetUp equivalent? (With the added quixotic hope for us singles of a rather dirt-and-work minded persuasion - not that I would be lecherous or anything, but it's kinda lonely on my mountain...)
How to facilitate the creation of SMALL and
LOCAL groups of permie-types - no mass movement, no political/religious angle? Just. Humans. Being. Human.
For my own part, God willing and the creek don't rise, I close on my square on the 20th of this month (put off 2 times already!) but that'll be in US Zip Code 81252 - The Wet (sort of...) Mountains of Colorado.
If Tributary House Ltd. can be of any assistance in this regard, lemme know ya ya? Don't have many resources, but such as they are...