I've got several. Where to start...
We were offshore of Port Mansfield, Tx. We caught a small fish, maybe 10" long. We put it on a king mackeral rig (2 hooks with no weight, on a stainless leader). The fish was bloated from coming from down deep so it floated. We threw it out and watched it.
A 6footish hammer head surfaced. It looked like a stealth fighter with its fin and back out of the
water. A majestic kind of thing. Awesome. It slowly swam toward the fish. We could see the whole thing. It swam to the fish, took it in, and submerged, all without missing a step.
It the proceeded to swim toward our boat( not visible, it was under water). Went under it, then out the other side. The line went slack. The line was cut. He never knew he was hooked.