Wow. thanks for all the replies. I honestly wasn't sure I'd get much with this
thread! Internet was down at the ranch I'm looking after, so I couldn't get back to this sooner. I did another application of liquid wrench and hammer yesterday, with no luck.
With a bicycle chain a person can apply anything to a lot of its surface, or, if it's off, soak the entire chain in the oil of your choosing. With this
project, the door handle goes through the door, and that part is seized to the slot it goes through. If the stove was on it's back then a penetrating oil of sorts might naturally flow by gravity into the very thin gap between it and whatever in the door it rotates in... and I might have to lay the stove on it's back so that I get good penetration. It's rather heavy so I haven't done that yet.
Right now, I'm spraying the liquid wrench, with the little plastic tube, as accurately as possible around the contact point where the handle goes into the door on both sides, but the majority is just accumulating to the point that gravity drips it down the door... not very efficient, or effective at this point. I wipe off the excess and let it sit.
Most of my tools are in chaotic storage at this point (as I have raw
land with no structures apart from a semi-truck trailer and an
outhouse as of yet), but I think I'll borrow a small propane torch and start there. There is likely even one here at the ranch. If that doesn't do the trick, at least it will burn or boil/steam off the liquid wrench and I can try some other of the suggestions.
Thanks all. I'll let you know how things go in the next while. :)