Even the hormones don't save you. In my case, the sound of my baby crying turned off all rational thought. I HAD to hold the baby. I HAD to do whatever I could to stop them from crying. I could not let anyone else hold the baby. I would not be able to cook dinner or clean or take a
shower or get dressed or anything if the baby was crying. I HAD to hold the baby. I would literally drop whatever I was doing, run across the house, and snag the baby from my husband's arms before I even realized what I was doing.
People would tell me to put the baby down and do what I had to do (clean, cook, get dressed, take a break, whatever). I could not. I had a colicky son, so for 4 months all I did was carry him, pacing and singing and doing whatever I could to help him not cry so hard.
The anger hormones were also in the background, just like for you. If I didn't embrace the MUST-HOLD-BABY hormones, I probably would have done some horrible things. Postpardum depression didn't help, either.
Even now that my youngest is 2, my brain STILL turns off if she cries. I run around like a
chicken with it's head cut off until I can hold her.
The weird thing is, before I had kids, I spent years working with babies and preschoolers, and the crying never bothered me. I mean, I would respond and help them, of
course, but it didn't mess with my ability to think straight and it didn't really stress me out. Now I'm totally disabled by it. Thanks, hormones.