I find I'm most productive and dilligent in note-keeping in the spring, and that makes sense: every day is a step forward, an exciting development after the steady emptiness of winter time. I'm especially focused on flowering times and temperature new highs / sudden throwbacks because the 2 things most on my mind in the spring are
bees coming out of winter and late frosts.
These are just notes typed into a word processing program, no photos. And every year again I say: ah, it would be so good if I kept photos too.
Then in May and onwards as there are more and more things going on and needing attention, I fall back a lot in note-keeping and most of the stuff doesn't get logged unless I keep kicking myself that this is an entirely new development and really
should have a record, like planting a new tree or starting a new bee hive. And I do log bee treatments (formic acid) and swarming as bee health is something that needs a whole-year point of view.
During the summer heat and drought I'm mostly just glad to make it through the day because taking care of everything in hard conditions - keeping plants in good shape and collecting crops which still persist; this on top of my "day job" of software development which can have its bouts of intensity in duration and concentration. So no notes.
As fall comes, I try to keep notes of ripeness dates concerning fruit
trees - especially when it comes to those individual trees that have a crop for the first time (Asimina / PawPaw this year, 2 trees 10' years old after several years of bad luck - and what a glory this crop was! We're planting more :).
Eventually in October I'm again dilligent in writing down about the weather and what I see in the wider area around us because this is the time when the
bees are getting ready for the winter and if the circumstances are benevolent during this period, it's very good for them.
I also aim to keep notes of fieldwork - sowing and harvesting dates or ciritical developments such as "air humidity was below what's needed for buckwheat nectar production for the last 2 weeks".
This year we're having a somewhat unusual autumn weather pattern in that the temperature went down almost all the way to freezing at the beginning of October but keeps staying above 15 C = 60-ish F (with highs above 20 C = 70-ish F) in the daytime and 3-10 C (37-50 F) during the night. I can look at my notes and see that we had similar developments in 2013 and that the pattern persisted into mid-November when the weather suddenly looked at the calendar and went Oh my, it's time for winter. When I look at the forecasts it looks likely that this will be repeated in entirety.
I find that up until some 5 years ago I was able to remember basically everything without writing things down. But as I grow older (I'll be 50 this year - it's a bit scary but I hear it happens to most people) my formerly super memory is not entirely what it used to be. Also, there is an overwhelming number of separate events and bits of information occuring at the (mini) farm over the year. So notes are definitely the way to go and it's good to give yourself a kick when you know it's a critical period of the year or a subject that you'll be glad to read about later.