I was John Pollard aka poorboy but the system is broken so I had to start anew
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Trace Oswald wrote:I think your idea of making the young one a family dog is a good idea. It isn't uncommon for a dog to be dominant over another dog, but the older one shouldn't hurt the younger one to do it. A growl and a quick snap in the air are all it takes for my dominant dog to tell the submissive one to back off. There is no pain involved.
As far as the older one, your own dog should never bite you, but the dog is pretty new, came from a life that isn't conducive to good relationships, and you hurt it. I wouldn't blame the dog for that. It's going to take time for the two of you to build a relationship, and I would show him I was the dominant one in the gentlest manner possible. If you try to use force, you put him in a position where he feels he isn't attacking you, he is defending himself. The best way to build the master relationship you need with him is with long walks. You'll need a leash, but I wouldn't use a choke collar, just a flat collar, and don't try to make him heel or follow commands, just follow you. You can also do it by tying an 8 or 10 foot rope to your belt and walking. He should understand that you control the action, but not by bullying him.
I would feed the dogs separately. You will be able to get the younger one to trust you if you approach while he is eating and have a treat in your hand that is better than the food in his dish. If he walks away from the food, back off a little and wait. Let him see the treat, but don't talk to him or press the issue. At some point, he'll realize that you aren't coming to dominate him or take his food. It will take time, but you'll get there if you remember that the word "nurture" is more important than the word "boss".
You did a very good thing helping these dogs, so kudos to you and your family.
I was John Pollard aka poorboy but the system is broken so I had to start anew
Dan Boone wrote:Are they fixed?
I have a lotta thoughts but that’s my big question. We have a sweetheart rescued pet lives in the house when he wants LGD who is very gentle with everybody and thing. But when he hit puberty he started nipping the other dogs for dominance and he and I had one or two scary flashing teeth in my face conversations about whether he was going to do what I was asking. Once the balls were gone those never happened again, although he’s still very stubborn and does not always do as I ask. (One does not TELL a great Pyr much.)
I was John Pollard aka poorboy but the system is broken so I had to start anew
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
John Paulding wrote:Nope, they're both intact so technically they probably get along pretty durn good considering. I don't even know how I would get the young one to a facility and I'm not too sure about the older one. Good on a leash but I'm not gonna hold him down while a vet sticks a needle in him.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
John Paulding wrote:
Feed them separate when the goats come up to the shed for the night? (if they do good with goats that is) We're on 15 acres and plan on having the goat's shed close to the house. They're both males btw and a male/female team would probably be better. I thought about making the younger one into a family dog. Oh yeah. He's not Great Pyrenees like the older one. He looks more like and Old English Sheep dog and they're more of a herder than an LGD.
I was John Pollard aka poorboy but the system is broken so I had to start anew
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