Perric Falcon wrote:Here are some that might work!
Susan Pruitt wrote:Can't wait to see your wall hanging!
Sebastian Köln wrote:
Raw images are aviable. (Nikon NEF format)
Nicole Alderman wrote:I don't really have the best of pictures, as most of mine were snapped out of the blue and not really at the right angle to make a pretty picture. I could only find a half-way decent one of my ducks around my herb spiral, and some of them in the pond and a few others that aren't that good. A lot of them aren't very large images (if you "open image in a new tab," you'll get a bigger picture than the thumbnail, but the camera I used was generally really low resolution). I'll keep looking! I'll also try to take some nice picture the next time I'm outside with my camera!
Irene Kightley wrote:
Joy, I'm really sorry about the delay and I'm sorry too that the photos you chose are really small - only 800 pixels, as the camera I had at the time was not too hot, so they won't blow up very well.
You can download them here by right clicking on them and copying them to your computer to see what you think....
My more recent photos are bigger.
Sorry again, Irene x
Nicole Alderman wrote:I went out and took some more today. I believe they are all a little over 3mb (you may have to click the image to open it larger). I took a crazy amount, but these seem to be the best ones. It was hard getting pictures because they moved so much, and my camera kept trying to over-expose them!
Irene Kightley wrote:Yep, those photos are as cute as anything !
All my photos on your new list are big enough. So now, go to the flickr link, then click on the arrow at the right side of each photo, click on the biggest size. When a new window opens, click on download and the photo will be copied to your computer.
I'm dying to see this wall hanging ! :-)
Irene Kightley wrote:I changed it this morning to allow downloading! I'll have a look....
Irene Kightley wrote:That looks really amazing Joy !
What a brilliant idea and I am so bloomin' honoured that you've done this with one of my photos.
Where do you get that sort of thing ?