I would like to introduce you to Colonel, Lane, Xeno, the Twins, Popeye. These beautiful ladies are my sister's chickens. They are free range in her fenced backyard and thankfully prefer laying in their nesting boxes. I collected 20 eggs over 4 days.
their favorite nesting box
20 eggs
Xeno in the nesting box
"The winter will ask what we did all summer" - Henry David Thoreau
My family and I are currently living with my father-in-law, who has two hens. They typically lay a total of two eggs per day (as pictured below). I am most often the person who collects the eggs at the end of each day. We are very thankful for these hens and the eggs they provide for us, and we look forward to having chickens of our own in the future.
Popping in to post some historical evidence. These photos are from September 2020.
At the time, I had 25 hens, raised from chicks purchased at our localfeed store. Some of them had just started laying.
I collected several days worth of eggs from, I'm guessing, less than 6 different birds.
These are my chickens =) I live in an area where Eagles are a problem, so I train my chickens to come into the shed with me so I can lock them up when the new fledgling eagles are out. Unfortunately, that means my chickens usually come running when I come out. So I got a picture of a girl in the nest at night. As well as a picture of them following me into the shed =) This made getting a picture of one IN a box hard - I don't keep broody birds because I want eggs. I don't have a rooster anymore, so I get chicks from friends who do and then brood them inside for several weeks so they are friendly. We eat mean birds. I get 5-9 eggs a day, so the 14 eggs pictured were two days worth.
Me with some of my chickens
One of three repurposed cat litter buckets we made into nests. The hens prefer this to our wood nesting boxes
This is my problem - they come OUT of the nest when I come out! They follow me.
A picture of my hen in the nesting box, but it's dark.
We have 12 Isa Brown chickens, so we get about 12 eggs a day. We used to have Rhode Island Reds, but the Isa Browns seem to lay better, they don’t seem to take much of a break!
The hen in the nesting box (the golf balls are to entice them to lay there)
These eggs come from my ducks 😋 they live in my backyard. I let them out all day, and they are only stuck in their pen for the nighttime.
My mama duck, khaki Campbell, in her outside nesting box. (She has 2, one in her pen, one out. Sometimes she lays her egg much later in the day, after she has been let out, so she has two