We have six heritage chooks that are about 5 years old. Only one is laying for the moment as far as we know, so it took a few days to collect the dozen. But it is done.
To ensure that I get the most out of each BB, I do a journal that I can add to as I get more information and experience.
The Hen, the Eggs in the nest box, and the Dozen
My Journal of Learning This is the start of the journey
Failure is a stepping stone to success. Failing is not quitting - Stopping trying is Never retire every one thinks you have more time to help them - We have never been so busy
I have been collecting duck eggs for a few months now. The ducks are owned by the hosts I'm staying with. There are 5 of them (1 male, 4 female) and they are allowed to free ranger during the day but are kept in their hutch over night.
They don't always lay in their box so I have to walk around to find more.
We have 24 hens at home and 2 beautiful roosters (Gunter and Hans). No pics of them this time around but I will try and get some tomorrow when it's light out. Many of our birds are Ameraucanas, a few production reds, 3 Rhode Island Reds (Pip, Pip, and Pip), and some easter eggers hatched from our own flock. We love them all very much, and they have about 1/2 an acre to rove around on in the summertime. We get 12-15 eggs per day with a variety of great colours.
Here are my hens, "the golden girls", which I adopted altogether last year along with the coop. I think they're Rhode Island Reds (can anyone confirm?) One recently died :(, so I have three now.
I keep them in my large (well, for California) urban backyard. In addition to their large run, I let them free range regularly in the garden.
They're laying prolifically again with the warmer weather, so it takes a few days, but here's a dozen!
I currently have 7 adult chickens that are about a year old in my backyard. They include 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 New Hampshire Reds, and 2 Plymouth Rock. I have another 18 chicks up and coming with large variety! The hen pictured here is Bertha. She’s always keeping the eggs warm for us.