Dealing with the Urban Waste Stream: Chicago Restaurant goes Waste Free
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
urban gardening |
Healthy soil's water holding capacity
11 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
R Scott
soil |
Free online course on Environmental Education and Technology through Cornell - starts June 16th
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
blatant advertising |
Complete, Free Seed-Saving Instructions
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
John Polk
web sites |
Don't mess with my dung!
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
meaningless drivel |
Geoff Lawton's "Designing Food Forests Across Three Climate Zones" now live!
5 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
geoff lawton |
Chelsea Green Publishing is having a 35% off sale on their Permaculture books - ENDS JUNE 1st
3 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Mitch Holmes
books |
Tell me something embarassing about yourself
9 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
David Livingston
meaningless drivel |
Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jamie Wallace
permaculture artisans |
How common is your last name?
9 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
James Graham
meaningless drivel |
The Miracle Water Village
3 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Steve Nash
greening the desert |
Afristar info-posters: companion planting, water harvesting, composting and more!
10 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Mica May
web sites |
Touching Thai video - the power of kindness
4 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Chris Badgett
meaningless drivel |
Why I hate the "C" word
8 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Leila Rich
meaningless drivel |
FREE: Spring of Sustainability 9 week Action Program starting Earth Day April 22, 2014
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
blatant advertising |
The Earth's Water Cycle (NASA)
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
April 17th Free Webinar: Funky Herbal Snacks for Kids Who Love Junky Foods!
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
cooking |
Van Jones: Plastic waste, poor people and social justice
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Judith Browning
social justice |
Please, edit your profile to show your location!
11 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Leila Rich
tinkering with this site |
April 9th: The Day that Water WON! - OK - we came in 2nd... but still raised over $38K!
11 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
blatant advertising |
Frustrated Frog
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
meaningless drivel |
Chickens get their "butt scratch" on!
11 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Thomas A. Cahan
chickens |
Leslie Byrne's School Garden in Jordan
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
greening the desert |
Hysterical goat blog
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jocelyn Campbell
meaningless drivel |
My life according to my SPAM folder
15 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
meaningless drivel |
Is anyone interested in a book promo for FICTION with an ecological slant?
4 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Cj Sloane
books |
Geoff Lawton's "Lessons from the Rustbelt" now live!
4 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Shane McKee
geoff lawton |
8 Year Old's Bike Powered, Neighborhood Composters
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
composting |
You know you're a drylander when....
15 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Erica Wisner
greening the desert |
Sustainability in Prisons project
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
Can you help create a permaculture world?
7 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
geoff lawton |
Wealth Inequality in America
12 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Robert Ray
social justice |
Montado Farms, a Permaculture farm for San Diego - Kickstarter
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
large farm |
Geoff Lawton's "Advanced Cell Grazing" video now live!
21 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
andrew curr
geoff lawton |
Health effects of pollution - an open discussion
16 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Bryan Jasons
toxic gick |
Geoff Lawton's "Community Garden" video now live!
6 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jp Learn
geoff lawton |
Living the Dream!
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
meaningless drivel |
Geoff Lawton's "Rooftop Farm" video now live
12 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
Anyone know how to embed a podcast into a social media site?
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
podcasts |
Geoff Lawton's "40 Years into a Cold Climate Food Forest!" now live
12 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Peter Ellis
movies, videos and documentaries |
To the binoculars! The Great Backyard Bird Count is ON!
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
meaningless drivel |
The Great Backyard Bird Count Starts Feb. 14!
9 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
C. E. Rice
meaningless drivel |
Birds do it, bees do it....and now we have video of worms "doing it"
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
bugs |
Patterns: Weird hexagonal vortex on Saturn
6 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Burra Maluca
meaningless drivel |
Watershed Restoration at Ampersand Sustainable Learning Center, New Mexico
9 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Kerry Rodgers
earthworks |
Best bike for someone with a vision impairment
8 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
bicycle |
Shading fabric shields King Fahad National Library from Saudi sun
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
conservation |
Qatari girls win first GCC hybrid electric car competition
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
transportation |
Bicycle powered washing machine
3 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jeremiah wales
bicycle |
Registration for Geoff Lawton's online PDC opens March 29th 2014
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
resources: seeds, plants, honey, consulting, etc. |
Geoff Lawton's "From Desert to Oasis in 4 Years!" now live
19 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
*** $16 - Who will be the "Hugel Hero"? ***
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
My Favorite Indian Cooking site: Manjula's Kitchen
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
cooking |
Challenges of edible landscaping in an urban environment
5 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jp Learn
urban gardening |
Book Review: Toolbox for Sustainable City Living by Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew
0 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
staff reviews |
Really weird and interesting elements in an urban permaculture system
2 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
brandon gross
urban gardening |
Bankrupting Nature - Denying our Planetary Boundaries
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jennifer Wadsworth
movies, videos and documentaries |
Appreciate trees anew … They may save your life
1 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Jeff Rash
greening the desert |
Building permaculture "cred" through simple tests over time
26 |
Jennifer Wadsworth
Paul Cereghino
meaningless drivel |