Leila Rich wrote:Jeanne, about how much sun do you get in summer?
I'll find out in the summer! I suspect a lot because I get a lot of sun in February. But I 'm not sure.
Leila Rich wrote:Permies will try and herd you toward edibles, so be prepared
I've noticed that.
Leila Rich wrote:Permies will try and herd you toward edibles, so be prepared
Do you like chillies? They grow well in pots and look really cool. Rocoto chillies are perennial, producing huge crops of hot-yet-fruity lantern-like fruit. The plants are best trained flat on a wall.
You'd have to baby it inside over winter, but there's varieties of dwarf banana palm that will fruit without cross-pollination.
I don't like chillies, but the point that I
should be looking for perennials is a good one. I also now realize my ideal plant is one I can leave outside over the winter and will grow back.
I got this by e-mail in response to this
thread which I found helpful:
Rosemary, sage, and oregano grow
as perennials. I couldn't kill them if I tried. They overwinter and come
back every year with zero maintenance. I never do anything to them except
occasionally go outside, cut some off, and cook with it. I plant basil out
there too but you have to replant that every year. The sage is pretty, its
very leafy and green and gets some nice flowers on it in the spring. So
personally I'd consider edible as an option!