I was looking at the requirements for the Food PEP badge and realised I’d need s rocket stove. I previously thought about building a moveable one. Then it dawned on me that I could build a little one from food tins. Has anyone done this? Does it qualify as a rocket stove? I’ve found plenty of examples of builds on YouTube but wanted to check out some first hand Permies experience. Thanks
I actually did build a little TLUD charcoal kiln out of a 1 gallon paint can and 3 tin cans. I got a very hot flame with no smoke—that is after I figured out the fuel/air ratio. And in the end I got a little can of charcoal, so it can be done.
I actually did build a little TLUD charcoal kiln out of a 1 gallon paint can and 3 tin cans. I got a very hot flame with no smoke—that is after I figured out the fuel/air ratio. And in the end I got a little can of charcoal, so it can be done.