Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Bethany Brown wrote:How did the stevia do? How do you process it? I’m happy I have wood chips on half my orchard, I have an interesting squash cross, and I’m raising tomatoes for seed for Victory Seeds. That’s a lot of things, I couldn’t pick one. I’ve never brown eggplant!
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
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Lois McMaster Bujold
Shari Clark wrote:Hi Bethany! Regarding the stevia, I don't know how to process it yet. That will be one of my next searches to find out! Because I am on a keto diet, I use a lot of stevia in cooking, so it would be nice to make it into a powder but I am not sure how to do that. I just saw a few of the plants at the garden centre and decided to go for it. Once I get to it, I will post about it!
So, you are raising seeds for a seed company? That's cool! I always assumed they had their own gardens ... I didn't realize they farmed out the seed raising to others. Interesting!
Vanessa Smoak wrote:
Powdered stevia is heavily chemically treated. I don’t know why someone would go through the trouble of growing it fresh if they wanted it to go through all that processing.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
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