I recently had to replace a quite large (approx 80 gallon) well pressure tank due to leaky bladder. (Which, at my age, I probably shouldn't make fun of. ;) )
Anyway, I'm wondering what things I could do with the old one now? It seems a waste to just haul it off for scrap.
It's large, thick steel, so my first thought is if I could figure out how to do a hydrostatic test I could convert it into an air tank?
Or chop it in half for animal feed/water trough?
Or somehow make a stand and use it as a
water tower for when the power goes out?
Or, maybe a storage tank for farm fuel?
Other ideas?
Also, that last one brings up another question. What to do (if anything) about the old rubber bladder inside? Do you think I
should toss some sticks in there and try to burn it out? Just leave it? ...?