Bill Mollison's "Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition" is COMPLETELY NUTS! I was very lucky to pick up a (deeply underpriced) used copy at my
local bookshop, and it's always a treat to look through. I agree that the recipes are written in broad strokes and might not be very useful to a beginner. There's some pretty advanced-level stuff that will at least get you thinking about how to incorporate more ferments into your diet, and you get a much clearer idea of how a human culture that doesn't use refrigeration can use symbiotic ferments to prolong the harvest and increase nutrition.
There are some absolute gems, too. "Kill and clean a seal. Fill the body cavity with 50 baby auks. Sew it up again. Bury it under your igloo over the coldest part of winter, so that the heat of decomposition can warm your family. Dig it up and eat."
50% of Mollison is great commonsense advice, 40% is paradigm-shifting amazing deep thinking, and 10% is jokes and lies.