r ranson wrote:I got a spot in a local Life Drawing session. I think it's a trial to make sure I'm a good fit.
All I know is that it will be 2 hours, a clothed model, no instruction, and to bring my own sketching kit. That's all the info I have.
Anyone ever been to a life drawing session before? What's it like?
And if you have done this, what kind of drawing materials did you like best?
Is there a set tradition of how long the poses are? In class we had a live model and they did 20 second, 1 min, 2 min and a 20 min pose. But I didn't get the most out of it as I didn't really know what to expect and being time blind, the first and last pose felt about the same length of time.
And will the other people be annoyed or frustrated to have a person who can't draw well in the session? I'm just going to stand to one side and quietly draw, but I'm not good. Not yet. That's the whole point of this, to get better.
Nervous. Kind of thinking of backing out but also, I really want to get good at drawing. maybe someone can help me through these conflicting emotions so I can go with confidence.
Ask whoever's running it about...
Life's too short, eat desert first! [Source of quote unknown]
You have to be warped to weave [ditto!]
K Kaba wrote:Most of the invitation-only air of these things is just to be sure people behave themselves. No one wants awkward comments about the models' bodies, or people bumping them while they're drawing. If there's no entry fee, bring a little cash, there might be a tip bowl for the models.
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We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
~ Oscar Wilde
Laura Rutherford wrote:I wouldn't worry about being seen as "competition," whatever your ability, which looks quite promising. I'm not a pro and may never get there, but have spent plenty of time with "real" artists. It's not a competetive sport and most, who are also real, live human beings, are encouraging of each other and especially of beginners. At least ones who don't already "know" everything...
My book arts: https://biblioarty.wordpress.com/
* Follow your curiosity , Do what you Love *
Antique and vintage finds TreasureChestTales (Simperi-website is temporarily closed for renovation)
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