posted 10 years ago
Welcome Looby!
Your new book is so 'different' to anything else we are used to that I think a lot of us are struggling to know what to ask you. And I'm afraid I've been too disorganised to get hold of a copy in advance to read it through and review it and tempt people to join in. But I've just noticed that it's available as an instant download from Maddy's site - Green Shopping. There's a free sample to download, and the whole e-book is just £2.99, which I think is under $5.
I couldn't resist. I didn't realise it was so affordable, so I've stopped being my usual tight-wad self and treated myself to a copy. Your last book was such a blessing to me when I was so ill before and needed a reminder to look after myself, I'm sure this one will be just what I need now I'm back on my feet and getting ready to spread my wings a little. I'm going to be busy reading tomorrow morning, then I'll be back, no doubt loaded with questions!
Here's the blurb from the site, which may be of interest.
The thoughts and actions of people past and present have determined the current state of our planet. If we change our thinking, we can change the health of our own lives, and also the future state of our world. 7 Ways to Think Differently explores ways to address personal, social and environmental concerns in simple practical steps in our daily lives, helping us to make incremental, achievable changes.
As well as addressing our internal landscapes, Looby explains how individuals and communities can work together to achieve positive change. She also explores the current political and mainstream paradigms and where they are leading us.
Learn about:
• Abundance thinking
• Solutions thinking
• Systems thinking
• Thinking like nature
• Co-operative thinking
• Thinking for the future
• From thought to action
These ways to think differently are influential alternatives to the current mindset and can shift us to a better present, as well as setting us on a trajectory towards a better future. This is for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. Looby offers potent medicine for a world full of challenges.