Terry Portier wrote:
Also, as I think the majority agree there will be those that want to challenge math and science with unfounded opinion and you are right that is ok for them. However, I’m not sure how that satisfy’s Paul’s requirement below. My approach now is just to stop reading and participating on that thread, just don’t have the time otherwise. If I continue to find a site with inaccurate info I will find another, again just don’t have the time to read incorrect info.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
The point is not to make me better able to think and communicate like you, but put everyone in a situation where everyone can be themselves.
Chadwick Holmes wrote:“Architectural Design and Building Science”( suggested by terry.)
That's a great solution.
Please make this forum powers that be!!!this is a good solution that lets lets both worlds exist without having to subscribe to the others "truths"...it's genius really!
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Chadwick Holmes wrote:
The reality is that personalities, beliefs, morals, politics and environment make so many variables that one man cannot proclaim a truth, no matter the amount of study in a field.
Idle dreamer
Chadwick Holmes wrote:
Out at permies we talk about farms and permaculture and engineering all the time! But don't speak up in any of them or you'll get your head bashed in by an "expert"!
Idle dreamer
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Chadwick Holmes wrote:Those simply are not reality for every man, just like pesticide as best practice is not every mans reality
Idle dreamer
Burra Maluca wrote: I think a forum for building science is a great idea, but I don't the place split into factions.
Idle dreamer
Chadwick Holmes wrote:I see that natural builders and science types are already split and the issue is in us being forced together by lack of individual outlet. I think to force the two together is like trying to make sheep and hog people raise their animals on the same feed.
Idle dreamer
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
John Weiland wrote:@Neil L.: "....we need to be able to list credentials and reference source material and, (I hate to say it, because it's against policy) ask for them."
I can see where it may get sticky to ask for credentials, but is it really against forum policy to ask for the source references for claims being made? It doesn't have to be a nasty request, just a flat "need-to-know" what the basis for anyone's claims may be. In the case where the reference may be some huge tome, perhaps an excerpt that does not violate copyright restrictions, along with the reference, would suffice. Again, seems to be the best that one can do given the availability of the material at hand. Perhaps?
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead, that tiny ad sure bled
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies