Idle dreamer
Kitty Leith wrote:Whoa! This conversation went way off the rails! To be honest, I just skimmed it because it seemed a little too fraught to examine closely. I've been an unlicensed architect for almost 20 years and I now no longer give a damn about what people want to do with their buildings, even though it's my job to get designs to code and get them permitted. I've learned to let some things go. And let people be responsible for their own health, happiness, and safety. I've totally lost interest in arguing a position on anything as well. I think age has something to do with that, and I love it. I'm also an Aspie. Quite similar to Bonnie:
Paramount Natural Design-Build Architect, Engineering Services, GC, LLC.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Mick Fisch wrote:
Why do people like to be looked in the eye?
Most animals, mammals especially, it's a sign of aggression.
I've noticed not all neurotype enjoy eye contact. Some find it down right frightening. Is it a cultural adaptation?
I think it's part of the universal body language. We are constantly assessing, unconciously, and the eye contact is part of what we use to assess. Not making eye contact is essentially withholding information. It appears to me from my limited contacts with people from lots of places, that the eye contact thing is pretty universal. Aggessive intentions are often read pretty well by eye contact. I have six very attractive daughters (no brag, just fact) and I've often heard them, their friends or even their mom say something like "There was something in his eye (or a more general term like, "about him") that made me nervous" after they've been around some guy trying to pick them up. Women may be better at reading body language because they have to be better at it.
Mick Fisch wrote:It seems strange to me that some people don't seem to have all of the 'pre-programming' on body language, or just don't pick it up. There are such obvious disadvantages to it that I want to think that it is because there is some cominsurate advantage somewhere. I had an engineer friend of mine (married to a doctor) tell me that if any of a childs grandparents were engineers, the likelihood of Ausbergers in the child went way up. That may indicate that a certain percentage of neurodiversity might be good for a society. While everyone else is off gabbing away, some guy who sees the world a little differently is figuring how to chip flint, inventing an atlatl, inventing the bow and arrow, figuring out how to build a better shelter, doing stuff that may benefit the group. It makes sense to me.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Paramount Natural Design-Build Architect, Engineering Services, GC, LLC.
Terry Ruth wrote:Neil the 200K for a pro made me laugh!
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Kitty Leith wrote:You know, the world is often discussing how to deal with autistic people but not realizing that, outnumbered, we have to deal with "normal" people to a greater degree just as a function of math! We are stretching to meet social norms each and every day. And it is not easy. But nobody stretches to meet us. What would that require? Maybe slowing down a second and listening? Maybe being a little patient? Maybe looking for positives instead of flaws?
I also don't know how power-hungry controlling ego-centric narcissistic exploitative people came to be thought of us "normal" (and yes, those types exist in the alternative and activist and ecological and organic and permaculture world as well) and we on the autism spectrum came to be thought of us lesser. The world is often an upside-down place.
Jan White wrote:it has seemed to me that everyone is focusing on how to communicate better by adapting to the majority.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Jan White wrote:it has seemed to me that everyone is focusing on how to communicate better by adapting to the majority.
I mostly gave up on that idea.
Jan White wrote:I was very disappointed when Burra posted on that discussion, I've been asked to remind people to be nice. It had seemed to me that, even if they did take something personally and got a little bristly for a minute, everyone ultimately understood that the discussion was about information and was able to put aside emotions. Once that warning had been posted, it seemed like the emotions came out even more (publicly anyway) and what had appeared to be a fascinating discussion where people took comments in the spirit in which they were intended turned into a less interesting get defensive and stop talking about the real topic conversation. Or maybe it was just my perception that changed *
*I realised after posting that it seems like I'm saying Burra ruined the discussion. that's not what I meant at all. The discussion was obviously not what I thought it was right from the beginning and Burra's post is just a marker for me.
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Paramount Natural Design-Build Architect, Engineering Services, GC, LLC.
Terry Ruth wrote: I chimed in with math that shuts down the responses since none has a rebuttal or in this case to life treating opinions not founded in fact..So tell me a better communication style?
The OP did ask I "dumb it down" so it could be better understood so I did take the time out of my day to not ever receive a thank you since it is now obvious the OPs plan is not going to work at the reduced cost.
I'm beginning to understand Kitty's position what a complete waste of my time since the OP will probably continue with the half baked plan to save $$.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Kitty Leith wrote:
Entire Human Race Problematic
This isn't the hyper-vigilant world I want to live in, but I do. And to me, all communities get ridiculous like that too often for my tastes. Sometimes communication is over-rated and just living/being aside/next to someone is enough. I can be neighbors with people and their criticisms and emotions, but that's as close as I want to get. So if polyculture is what you seek, that's as granular as I would want to go. I've always been attracted to homesteading for its self- containment, and permaculture helps make that possible with the smallest footprint. That's enough for me, especially after five decades of engagement with a society that takes more than it gives.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
R Ranson wrote:Great post Neil. I agree that there is a strong difference between fact and opinion. It's not always easy to see (or express) the difference.
My opinion is that it's difficult to find fact in this day and age. Many scientific findings are governed by the interests financing the study or the values of the person(s) interpreting the data. Then these studies are interpreted by authors who 'translate' the science into popular media. There are a lot of biases that creep in at the various stages before it reaches us. And then we have conflicting studies. And then, even worse, we have a study with one set of variables used to apply broadly to all similar situations.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Paramount Natural Design-Build Architect, Engineering Services, GC, LLC.
R Ranson wrote:Is it possible, in the hectic period yesterday, there was a confusion between neurotypes and training? Mode of thinking and skillset?
If a mechanic works on a car, are we bothered about what his/her neurotype is, or do we care more that he can repair the breaks?
William Bronson wrote:
To all Neuro types I say this: The world at large does not believe it owes you understanding.
Idle dreamer
Jan White wrote:... Apart from the information, I was specifically enjoying how, I thought, people were able to say "I disagree with you" or "No, you're wrong on that" without anyone getting hurt feelings. I'm going to pick on Neil Layton here because he started the discussion and because I very much admire his writing style and have been paying attention to it. I've noticed that he can write with a certain tone that the average person often associates with aggression or rudeness. Most of the discussion on this thread has been about vocabulary - lay vs. technical, for example - and that can be part of the tone I'm talking about, but it's more than that. It's a bluntness, a lack of coddling - or maybe personal validation would be a better term, as that's been mentioned already. The thing about this tone is that as soon as people encounter it, they decide to take offense. ...
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
Casie Becker wrote:The only objection I've found in this forum to the moderation in the way that it can conceal information about people we are interacting with. I spend enough time watching these forums to see many posts before they get moderated away, and to notice when people incrementally alter the precise phrasing of their statements until they reach the bare threshold of what will not be deleted.
I have a nearly pathological dislike of bullying and hypocrisy. Several different people working on a case by case basis to correct individual infractions as they occur makes it unreasonable to expect them to catch a pattern of such behavior. It would require them to have access to the aggregate of problems and both time enough reasonable suspicion to review them. Not being neurotypical is not, in my mind, a justifiable defense for behaving in an abusive fashion to others in your community. Seeing it happen in this community has left crying more than once because I can so clearly see how far this strays from the higher standards of this forum.
At no point have I felt that I was owed special consideration over someone who more easily fit society. It would have made my life much easier, and am sure there are people who went well above and beyond for my sake, but these were gifts, not anything owed me.
I'm far enough from neurotypical to have been repeatedly tested by professionals. In every test I've ever taken the results have placed me in the smallest group that the test is able to measure. These are both IQ and psychological evaluations. At no point has it ever been suggested that I have lost touch with reality. I've just always looked at it from a slightly different perspective.
Starting at twelve years until I was in my twenties I lived in suicidal depression because I was so convinced that my inability to match with my peers was a moral failing on my part. It was only an extreme stubborn streak and too much pride to let me quit trying that pushed the actual suicide attempt into my adult years. And it was an honest attempt which I will carry the visible scars of until the day I die.
Tyler Ludens wrote:
William Bronson wrote:
To all Neuro types I say this: The world at large does not believe it owes you understanding.
I think there may be some benefit in demanding that which the world does not believe it owes us.. Many of us would be much worse off if folks in the past had said "the world doesn't owe me anything, therefore I will not demand anything, but settle for crumbs."
I think there may be some benefit in demanding that which the world does not believe it owes us.. Many of us would be much worse off if folks in the past had said "the world doesn't owe me anything, therefore I will not demand anything, but settle for crumbs."
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