Well, I have finally had some time to devote to this
thread, it has been a while.
I have gone over some of the methods that can be used for better farming, this installment is actually a bit of the book that is coming out of this thread's work and information.
I hope this will be inspirational.
" The Future and what is Happening to the World Today "
It seems that every day, those who derive their living by reporting what goes on, to those of us who simply struggle to live the life we have envisioned as what we want, bring only disturbing news.
Perhaps it is fortunate that we, the populace, are being kept from having easy access to the dire situations that are more likely to affect us than those events we see on TV and other media.
We do not hear about how jobs that go away never seem to come back or that cost of living is actually going up on nearly a weekly basis. The only time we seem to get some inkling of this is at the grocery store, where product prices are on the rise, and have been for many years now.
One of the telling indications today is the mass migration occurring from the Middle East countries to Europe and the United States. In the U.S. this is in addition to the thousands coming from the countries south of the U.S. Border with Mexico. If conditions were good in the countries where these immigrants are leaving from, they most likely would not be leaving. While it is humane to take all these people in, one
should consider the burden upon the country where they end up living along with the need for safe harbor. It is a complex issue for those countries where these new immigrants land and setup homemaking. Jobs are getting scarce and even though we hear about good news in the job market, little evidence can be seen on the local levels that what we hear is truthful reporting.
Much if not all of the current migrations are the result of internal strife, which is a type of civil war that is making use of terroristic acts against non-combatant people that are simply victims of the dissidents going against their current government. In some countries this takes the form of religious fundamentalist against everyone else. In other countries it is one religion against another religion. The end result is that those peaceful people are caught in a cross fire and so flee for their lives. This is an understandable reaction, after all what else can you do when bullets and bombs are being used all around you? The problem is that currently, there are precious few countries in a financial situation where they are capable of adsorbing the massive influx of human beings. Even though these countries would normally be receptive, the state of economic strife or uncertainty create a situation of denial of entry at best. Those with huge hearts but little understanding of the world’s pending economic collapse, feel their country should have open arms. Those who do have an understanding of the pending situation along with the probability of terrorists infiltrating along with the true refugees cause either hesitation or outright denial of entry. It is a crisis situation and there are sadly no clear cut answers for any of the countries these refugees want to enter.
The world economy, based upon the false idea that credit based economies can grow forever, is starting to fall apart. The Banking world was based in falsehood, designed so that just a few would prosper and then they decided that precious metals should not be used to back up the printed money used by everyone, everywhere. This system is on the brink of collapse, already we have felt the sting of what will soon happen through the 2008 collapse, where markets fell 50 % in one day. Countries like Greece have gone bankrupt at least once and others will surely follow since everything is credit based in a shrinking GNP scenario all over the globe. Imagine what will happen when everyone who lives by the credit system (which is everyone in the U.S., Japan, China and Europe) finds that their credit
cards and debit
cards don’t work anymore.
The other part of this economic problem is the transference of jobs to countries that have a lower wage base. Many jobs left the U.S. and those jobs are now in places like China, Mexico, Korea and India. If a company can make their products for less wage money but still sell them without huge tariffs in their home country, why wouldn’t they? In the U.S. more jobs have gone overseas than new, replacement jobs have been created. If the job hasn’t gone to some other nation, then it has been robotized which ends in the same result of job lost never to return. New jobs, the ones that we hear about being created require technical knowledge that most people don’t have. These jobs actually are more dependent on commerce as usual and that makes those workers vulnerable to job loss far more so than the people who work in the trades such as plumbers, electricians and carpenters. But these jobs are dependent upon people needing housing and that has been in decline since the 2008 collapse.
Those countries that have taken so many of the work force jobs out of the western countries have had to build quickly all the infrastructure needed for the growth boom they are experiencing. This has
led to more global pollution and increased
greenhouse gasses being released, which help along the current climatic change event the planet is going through. We have the industrial age to thank for the situation we are currently in. Make no mistake though, it has been happening since humans started using agriculture to feed themselves. Since ancient times we have used land until it was unable to grow anything because of erosion and salinization of the soil. Then once we used up that piece of land, we moved on to fresh land which we once again did the work of destroying ability of the soil to sustain life. The coming of the industrial age only gave us the tools to speed up the process. What we added to the model was fertilizers and herbicides which leach out, run to the rivers and end up in the oceans and create dead zones around the river mouths. These same chemicals cause algae blooms, depleting dissolved oxygen which ends with mass fish kills that stink up the air around those rotting carcasses.
Earth is in tough times, and we have precious little time to make as much correction as possible, before humans loose from the inability to take proper action. Several experts think we have perhaps until 2050 to correct the situation. After that the human race might just become extinct, or at least in rapid decline, headed towards extinction. This dire situation is not only happening to the world through economic fall but also the lack of
carbon the planet can currently sequester. Some of the problem is from deforestation, some is from current
energy production practices, some from the current dominant model being used in agriculture. Most however is from the fact that our home, planet earth, is always in flux, that is to say it is always in the state of change. Currently anyone with any idea of how the planet works and breathes understands that humans have helped this currently experienced climatic change cycle along.
We stuffed the atmosphere full of sulfur by burning high sulfur coal, this results in acid rains. We stuffed the atmosphere full of CO2, this results in an overall temperature rise, which causes the polar ice caps and the glaciers to begin to melt, which causes the ocean currents to
experience a cooling down, which slows the warm currents that help to spread heat all around the globe. All this has an effect upon those high atmosphere wind currents termed the jet streams, causing them to vary a wider distance and with a higher frequency of variance which moves cold and warm air differently than before. Since everything that occurs within the boundaries of planet earth is inter-related, we get to have experiences in weather change. Add to that the flux of the internal magnetic fields of earth and we can see activity increases from new and or long sleeping core vents (volcanoes), earthquakes increase in number and intensity as well as stronger storms. All these natural events are interlaced. Our new job is to try quickly to bring these changes back to the center we are accustomed to calling normal.
Many of the proponents of the permanent agriculture and restorative agriculture movements have talked about how little time we have to act. Since recovery takes some time to accomplish, we have precious little time to change many of the ways we currently farm, create energy and how we use that energy. The more we humans reduce our own polluting ways, the more earth can self-correct and slow the current climatic change we are experiencing. By moving away from some of the current food production methods, that is, moving away from “factory” style production, such as feed lots for
cattle, pigs and
chickens being raising by slaughter operations. We can reduce or at least spread out the amount of
greenhouse gasses these operations create and release into the atmosphere by changing from an all corn feed model to natural grasses and
hay for cattle and pigs and wide variety bug amended foods for
chickens. This will change the amount of time it takes to grow one of these animals large
enough for food but that too is better for us the consumer. This model allows for better flavor and nutrient value, important things that have been proven to be missing currently from the human diets in the western countries. It also would reduce the manure concentrations found in feed lots since it would be spread out over fields instead of ending up as a manure
pond that can leak creating a contamination problem.
By moving away from the industrial method, monoculture based agriculture we can sequester carbon from the CO2 floating around for longer periods of time, thus scrubbing this pollutant from the atmosphere more efficiently. By replanting the 100 million acres we humans have made barren by deforestation, we can remove CO2. Planting in a
sustainable agricultural methodology and we then provide sustainable food supplies that don’t require much attention by humans. The sustainable methodology also doesn’t reduce soil richness along with raising salinity, but instead increase soil richness while allowing salinity to remain stable. Rich soil equates to more plant growth which equates more carbon sequestering and more food production. Sustainable agricultural methodology requires less manipulation of the soil than current methods deem necessary. Incorporate better methods to keep rainfall in the soil rather than it running off with the soil, fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, to the rivers and eventually to the oceans. There are several designs that will soak the rain into the soil rather than allowing it to erode that soil. Soil that has the opportunity to collect and store
water requires less irrigation, which saves water for other uses than growing food.
No longer do we humans have the luxury of trying to place blame on others or to deny wrong doing. Now it is time for everyone to realize that there is only one planet and that it is occupied by one race, humans, who can repair the natural systems that we humans have helped along to their current broken state. We either come together and address the situation and act appropriately or we decided to continue as we have for the last 100 years and end up a vanished people who caused their own demise by failing to act. The knowledge is available, the methods tested and proven. Since there are multiple methods available each with a different preferential end goal, it is easier to find a best fit methodology for what you want to accomplish. There is no longer a real need for the multi-tilling of soil prior to planting that the current monoculture agriculture model recommends, it has been shown to be non-sustainable, environment detrimental and cost intensive as well as creating the exact opposite of what is needed to stem the climatic changes everyone on the planet is experiencing.
We have to re-green the millions of acres rendered unusable by the current agriculture paradigm of till, apply fertilize, plant, apply herbicide, harvest. It is easy to use the same machines for harvesting within the methodology of
permaculture. Farmers don’t have to till, don’t have to apply fertilizer, don’t have to apply herbicide, which adds up to huge savings in machine repair and fuel used. The focus is turned to soil health and once you have healthy soil, rain water soaks down and stays, nutrients are always available to plant
roots, everything grows better, weeds are fewer and it is easy to repeat, year after year. This is sustainable agriculture instead of the current destructive agriculture. The main problem we have right now is that those huge corporations that manufacture the deadly chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides have millions of dollars invested and have convinced the governments that they are the future. They tout that the few farmers we have left need to be able to feed the world. What happened to the idea that people need to feed themselves and only those around them instead of the world being dependent on only one or two countries providing all the food? That idea was killed by those huge corporations of course, they are not about to champion an idea that doesn’t line their corporate pockets.
Even though most think
permaculture is about being tree based (permanent agriculture is perfect for a mix of forest and field crops grown in alternating spaces), it is also adaptable to annual crop production and multiple crops growing at the same time, with differing harvest dates. It also provides the soil with replenishment of nutrients by the harvesting of the crop and subsequent rotting of the remnants of that harvest while the next crop is developing. When you add in animal foraging you automatically introduce natural fertilizer nutrients as part of your rotation thus you create a full circle structure for agriculture that becomes fully sustainable without expenses currently incurred. Where farms today are focused on growing one or two crops every year, farms should be growing fruits and or nuts along with those crops they now grow exclusively. In Ireland, farmers concentrated on potatoes until the potato blight wiped out the entire crop and the great hunger started. Farmers who follow that idea of only planting one or perhaps two crops are putting their lively hood in that same jeopardy, we just haven’t had the blight event so far, when it does come, and it will come, the farmer of today will be wiped out. With his farm land used up, where will the crops be planted? It is well proven that the use of chemicals today has produced barren lands where farmers ply their trade. Their soil has no biology to speak of, crops only grow because of chemicals being poured on to provide bare subsistence nutrients and so the products these farms grow are poor in nutritional value. The lack of nutritional value of food in the grocery stores has created a plethora of health problems for the humans that consume that food. Cancer rates and types of cancer are at all-time highs. Diabetes is rampant in all age groups, far exceeding the total numbers of just 20 years ago. It is time to make drastic changes in methods and thinking if humans want to be around much longer. Our current food production methods are making us sick and killing us. Add this to the climatic change and the coming financial collapse and we have a nearly perfect recipe for the destruction of the human race.