Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Ann Torrence wrote:Let's think this through using my orchards with about 40 varieties so far. Totally random pollination. In pressing apples for cider, there will be loads of seeds of course. Say I do 3 pressing runs, early, mid and late season, with different sub-sets of apples and probably some overlap. The output is totally mixed up in the pomace, so no known parentage of any individual seed. Is that what you want?
Ann Torrence wrote:The Stray Arrow Ranch summer apple mixed bag of seeds, from Pink Pearl, Pristine, Duchess of Oldenburg, etc. but not Dabinett or Newton Pippin because these are harvested later? Kind of like a wildflower seed mix?
Ann Torrence wrote:Would it be bothersome that a large percentage of my orchard genetics are selected FOR tannins and acidity?
Ann Torrence wrote:We'd have to make it worth the effort to clean the seeds out. I want to feed the spent pomace to finish meat animals, so separating seed has to be done fast and easy because I'm kind of busy pressing the next bin of fruit and the spent pomace has to move along quickly. Any thoughts on how to do that, and what the next processing steps for the seed would be?
Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
Ann Torrence wrote:Let's think this through using my orchards with about 40 varieties so far. Totally random pollination. In pressing apples for cider, there will be loads of seeds of course. Say I do 3 pressing runs, early, mid and late season, with different sub-sets of apples and probably some overlap. The output is totally mixed up in the pomace, so no known parentage of any individual seed. Is that what you want? The Stray Arrow Ranch summer apple mixed bag of seeds, from Pink Pearl, Pristine, Duchess of Oldenburg, etc. but not Dabinett or Newton Pippin because these are harvested later? Kind of like a wildflower seed mix? Would it be bothersome that a large percentage of my orchard genetics are selected FOR tannins and acidity?
We'd have to make it worth the effort to clean the seeds out. I want to feed the spent pomace to finish meat animals, so separating seed has to be done fast and easy because I'm kind of busy pressing the next bin of fruit and the spent pomace has to move along quickly. Any thoughts on how to do that, and what the next processing steps for the seed would be?
Carbon is the currency of life. Nature eats my "carbon footprint" for breakfast!
Bill Bradbury wrote:I don't know if my northern varieties are good for you, but shoot me a PM and I will send you seeds from my 100 year old apple orchard.
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Fred Tyler wrote:If you are a bona fide plant propagator (whatever that means) you can get an unspecified amount of open pollinated seed from the USDA's Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva NY. They have over 2500 varieties there, so that should make for some different genetics. I spoke with the apple curator Dr. C.Thomas Chao on the phone. He said that if you email him with a request they would collect the seed in the fall and send it to you free of charge. You would need to specify which variety to collect from the Malus Catalog. Instructions and contact info are found in the catalog.
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