I'm a lot further north than you (57N)and some of my chickens have been laying all winter, some stopped in November and will not start again untill March, in my
experience it depends on the breed, hybrid layers will almost certainly carry on all winter, you may or may not notice any change, but my old breeds, Marans, and Landhøns stop when the daylight drops under about 10 hours. (we get 4-5 hours in december here) Last year I gave the old breeds light and they laid all winter BUT because the weather is terrible they lurked in the coop and developed bad habits such as egg eating, so this year I left as is and let them sleep 18-20hours a day, no time for bad habits!
If they are laying great! It won't do them any harm either way, I stored a ton of eggs this year in the freezer expecting no eggs, and then my new three mutt hens have decided to lay all winter anyway.