Emerson White wrote:
The top of the barrel has to be able to radiate heat off efficiently or you will not get the draw effect. So don't cover that sucker either.
There is no box.
Paddy82 wrote:
I'm kind of thinking along the same lines as Johnny. Although the perfect thing would be a RS that looks like an ordinary fireplace, built into a wall. Has anyone ever done this? I am 1000% certain I would never get the RS original design past "the government". This could in turn heat hot water for showers or run in pipes in the walls or floor for a heating effect. Would be great if you have i.e. thermal mass stone floor.
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Katee wrote:
Here's a beautiful one.
A family built a wonderful cob/cordwood home in the UP of Michigan
smichaels wrote:
Ok. I like cob as much as the next permie person, but my husband isn't sold. I have also seen a masonry style rocket stove, but was thinking of a hybridization.... would a regular brick "lattice" screen built in a square pattern around the barrel (in a corner or whatever) be able to withstand the heat being radiated by the barrel? And, would it allow enough heat to be released to create the "draw"? I am in search of something functional as well as aesthetically pleasing....
This is the lattice idea I am talking about... Thanks
Kathleen Sanderson wrote:
The brick lattice would be very attractive, but consider the labor of having to dust each one of those openings before you make a decision. (I hate dusting, LOL!)
Kathleen Sanderson wrote:
I think that the drum would look nice if it was tiled all around, like many of the European mass heaters. It would be a lot easier to keep clean than the brick latticework. I'm not sure what you'd have to do for a backing for the tiles, though.
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