This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP Curiculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
In this Badge Bit you will learn how to trap(drowning style) those fun loving flies who always want to be your friend and eat with you. Or fly around when you are trying to read at night. Better yet play tag near any light source.
Here are some videos for your inspiration:
To complete this BB minimum requirements are:
- Flies are collected in a drowning style trap
- About half of a 2 litre pop bottle is collected
- Must be home made
To document your completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pics or
video (less than two minutes):
- The fly trap being made
- The fly trap empty and in its spot where it will be trapping the flies.
- 1 pint of flies trapped (can be over multiple days)
- (Optional) Picture showing content humans next to trapped flies :D