Most Master Gardener courses offer extensive botanical and cultivation information, which is great! But they also teach that you must use all the bottles and sprayers containing nasty stuff and covered with warning labels, which is not so great - for the gardener or the garden.
There has never been a course taught through an ecological lens . . .
. . . Until now.
In the Garden Master Course, we have taken the very best of the Advanced Master Gardener curriculum and improved upon it. We have employed biological and ecosystemic methods to eliminate the need for conventional (or even certified organic) pesticides and herbicides. Gardening for the future!
After years of planning, Helen Atthowe came to Wheaton Labs to teach what I now call "The Certified Garden Master Course." The class sells out every year. Demand keeps growing. So last year we set up some high-quality cameras to see if we could gather the footage to make this class available to more people.
Annie Collins wrote:I would liked to have purchased this, but Paypal is still requiring that I open an account. I'm not willing to do that. And I don't have any crypto currency.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Giordano Bernard wrote:Hello again,
I'm sorry to bother the tech help again, but I can neither see the download for the Garden Master Guide at the bottom of the page (attachment 1) or access the forums (attachment 2)
am I missing something?
Finally! An Online Garden Master Course for permies!
How Works
S Rogers wrote:
Giordano Bernard wrote:Hello again,
I'm sorry to bother the tech help again, but I can neither see the download for the Garden Master Guide at the bottom of the page (attachment 1) or access the forums (attachment 2)
am I missing something?
Hi Giordano -
We have been working on this, so you should now have access to the private forum and will have access to the garden master guide in a few days- it is in pre-order status.
Darrell Johnson wrote:I bought the Garden Master course bundle yesterday. I do not have an email from you providing a link. Please respond. I paid.
Darrell Johnson
James Turnbull wrote:I can see 2 links to the Garden Master Course e-book after the last video. I have tried several times to activate those links to no avail. What I am NOT doing to make those links work?
James Turnbull wrote:ThNks for quick reply. When I click on the links nothing happens. No spinning wheels or slowly advancing underline. Jay
Abraham Palma wrote:Hi.
A couple(*) of questions.
Also, this bundle is streaming only, with a pdf guide. It is much cheaper than the streaming only option without the guide, how comes?
If I want to save the course in a hard disk to peruse, then I must purchase the downloadable option, but it doesn't come with the guide.
Finally, is there a post where all the options to purchase this course are listed? If so, could you provide links to it please?
Hi, I’m interested in the Bundle. I’d like to know if there’s a time limit for access to the videos. For example, once you’ve completed viewing everything you’ll have access for the next 6 months, a year, etc? I’m a graduate of Dr Elaine’s SOIL FOOD WEB Courses and assume this package will further my understanding of Regenerative practices and microbial soil analysisS Rogers wrote:
John Duane wrote: Hi, I’m interested in the Bundle. I’d like to know if there’s a time limit for access to the videos. For example, once you’ve completed viewing everything you’ll have access for the next 6 months, a year, etc? I’m a graduate of Dr Elaine’s SOIL FOOD WEB Courses and assume this package will further my understanding of Regenerative practices and microbial soil analysis
Thanks in advance!
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