"I have a cluttered mind, you might have to tell me again" I'm okay with that. I now have more posts at: www.evvie01.com No central theme yet though, and I'm still learning.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:Here is something I have said about 40 times to about 40 photographers. And I suspect zero of those photographers have followed my advice.
Take a great pic, reduce the size of the pic to 700 pixels wide and post it to permies. Post the high res pic out at a stock photography site. Put a link to all of your pics at the stock photography site in your permies.com signature. Repeat daily for a month.
Now you will probably earn about $400 per year. So over the next ten years, you will have earned about $4000 - or $133 per picture.
Now do stuff with your picture to make it easier to find. Rather than the name of the pic being 10000045602.jpg, change the name to beautiful-rocket-mass-heater.jpg and set the description for the pic to "a beautiful rocket mass heater I saw in oregon". And then the text that goes with the post talks about it. And, of course, it appears in a thread about beautiful rocket mass heaters.
Now you earn $1000 per year on those images, or $333 per picture.
Now go to a few other forums and do it with the same pictures and you are getting more than $500 per picture.
Now do this for a full year and discover that you are getting $800 per picture over a ten year span of time. $2500 per month comes in and you don't do anything more. It is all on autopilot.
And if you stop posting pics, that money just keeps coming in year after year.
- - - -
Today I got another email from somebody that wants to pay for a high res pic they saw here on permies.
Ben Mosley wrote:
Is it really that easy?Seems like over time the pic views would go down and no money will be made.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Love your cat?
Kick the kibble habit and research the benefits of a raw diet.
It just may save its life.
paul wheaton wrote:...
Take a great pic, reduce the size of the pic to 700 pixels wide and post it to permies. Post the high res pic out at a stock photography site. Put a link to all of your pics at the stock photography site in your permies.com signature. Repeat daily for a month. Now do stuff with your picture...set the description for the pic to "a beautiful rocket mass heater I saw in oregon". And then the text that goes with the post talks about it. And, of course, it appears in a thread about beautiful rocket mass heaters...
Today I got another email from somebody that wants to pay for a high res pic they saw here on permies.
"Take a great pic, reduce the size of the pic to 700 pixels wide and post it to permies. Post the high res pic out at a stock photography site. Put a link to all of your pics at the stock photography site in your permies.com signature. Repeat daily for a month. "
Ask me about food.
How Permies.com Works (lots of useful links)
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
More recent articles seem to say the era is over, that there's too much available free now
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Bill Bianchi wrote:
I'm writing a dual series of novellas set in a post apocalyptic world, told in first person from the POV of a young boy in one
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Bill Bianchi wrote:
I'm writing a dual series of novellas set in a post apocalyptic world, told in first person from the POV of a young boy in one
Did you ever write these books?
Ben Mosley wrote:
Made it to TV. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_%28TV_series%29
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Ben Mosley wrote:
Made it to TV. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_%28TV_series%29
I searched and did not see your name there.
Josephine, Forest Witch
Find me at http://www.powellacres.com/
Find me at http://www.powellacres.com/
Find me at http://www.powellacres.com/
Sam Boisseau wrote:I'm teaching myself how to code in java, thinking eventually I can build some Android phone apps that could generate residual income so I can finance so permaculture projects.
Anyone on permies have experience building income that way?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Sherri Lynn wrote:So I love the concept of a residual income stream, but some of the steps are not clear. For example, I started a blog a few years ago. It seems to get quite a few visitors. However, I am choking on the right way to do advertising and exactly how to do that. I have earned zero dollars. My blog is www.powellacres.com. I do try to post informative articles with new information and pictures. How do I post ads that will generate income? Do I spend money to do ad campaigns? Is there a step by step that i can trust?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Sherri Lynn wrote:After I read permies residual income and posted my questions, I went back to look at AdSense that Paul mentioned. I clicked the radio button for ads to the side and below. I hadn't looked for this before. When I first set up the blog, I had to go in each page to set up ads. The thing is, they were advertising things they didn't make sense, AND I received no income from them! I kind of hate to subject my readers to that. Is there a way to advertise things you actually recommend?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Ask me about food.
How Permies.com Works (lots of useful links)
Jeff Rash wrote:
There is a huge audience that's cast off from the survival channels and websites that want to learn about off-grid methods and working with their community during a crisis. I hope to bring them into both caring about their community and learning about the permie lifestyle.
Idle dreamer
Hi, I'm looking for land in nj or nearby that's not too close to sea level. Excludes almost everything south of rt 70. 2 acres and up. If you know if anything please send me pm. Thanks
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Jeff Rash wrote:
There is a huge audience that's cast off from the survival channels and websites that want to learn about off-grid methods and working with their community during a crisis. I hope to bring them into both caring about their community and learning about the permie lifestyle.
I eventually abandoned the prepper crowd because of the things you mention. There's little hope amongst the preppers - there's tons of hope (and, more importantly - action!) here on permies.
Hi, I'm looking for land in nj or nearby that's not too close to sea level. Excludes almost everything south of rt 70. 2 acres and up. If you know if anything please send me pm. Thanks
Stu Horton wrote:Jeff,
I'd love to get a link to your you tube channel. Sounds interesting. A search with community endurance had a lot of results.
"Our body is our garden, our will is our gardener" ~ Leonardo da Vinci
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Mary Hysong wrote:I just tried to connect up to scrubbly.com and got a message from AVG that the connection was stopped because the site has phishing.exe on it
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Here’s the first lesson on creating passive income: you will need SOME type of investment to get it started. You’re either investing your money to BUY your way to passive income, OR in this case, you’re investing your time.
Hold that thought. Tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies