Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Nicole Alderman wrote:I always thought I'd be a crafty mother, since I'm a crafty person. And yet, I rather stink at this! There's so much to do and clean already, that I really struggle to get out something else to have to clean up.
My kids do like beading. I got a bunch of wooden beads (and old pony beads from my childhood), and they enjoy making necklaces on smooth flax cord.
They also enjoyed wet felting flowers with bits of colorful roving.
My son also likes to carve bark off of sticks under supervisions.
Most of the time, though, I just let them scribble on as much paper as they want, as both struggle with fine-motors/penmanship.
They also have fun trying to needle felt like mama...which usually ends up with them breaking needles &/or getting bored and leaving bits of half-felted roving everywhere to attract all the dust... Interestingly, they haven't poked themselves, while I've poked myself well over 100 times!
For older kids (elementary age or really nimble):
Pipe cleaner fairies are actually pretty easy to make. Get a wooden bead, some embroidery floss and pipe cleaners, and they can make their own dolls! This was the best tutorial I saw on making them. I make mine a bit sturdier now, but this is the general idea. Friendship bracelets: this takes a lot of knots, but you can make lots of cool bracelets this way. Modeling with clay: I had one pack of clay that didn't dry out. I made all sorts of people and houses and furniture from that clay--I still have many of them today! random other handcrafts, like sewing pillows, embroidering bookmarks, making doll clothes, etc. drying flowers...never did find a real use for them, but I kept drying them anyway! This is fun for younger kids, too.
Speaking of handcrafts! I was going to make a thread about this but never got around to it! I stumbled across this when looking for a picture of a spinning wheel to print out for my son to color.
EBook of the 1912 book "Indoor and Outdoor Recreations for Girls"
It not only has how to maintain and use a spinning wheel, but also a BUNCH of things to make with tissue paper and wood shavings. It has how to make a hammock for one's dolls and how to make baskets and a bunch of crafts to do with grasses, and a bunch aware, some of the doll designs are very...stereotypicalracist. So, you might not want to have your kids scroll through it unless you want to explain why people are depicted that way....
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Nicole Alderman wrote:I always thought I'd be a crafty mother, since I'm a crafty person. And yet, I rather stink at this! There's so much to do and clean already, that I really struggle to get out something else to have to clean up.
Finished one life quest, on to the next!
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Jay Angler wrote:Not exactly zero waste, but certainly re-use:
I have a civil engineer friend who's willing to give me rolls of used drafting paper which is bound for the recycle bin. (Maybe ask at a local construction company.)
I be the best me I can be, to be the strongest me I can be, to learn the most I can. I don't know what comes next. But I'm gonna go into it balls to the walls, flames in my hair, and full speed ahead.
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