I think this is great. However, the big question for me is how this will work come harvest time. People are inherently selfish, and when the word 'free' appears they translate to mean its all mine and have no repsect for it and abuse the condition.
I know many 'poor' people and this is definitely their attitude. They will not, I mean not, pay for anything on the internet and in the real world steal things without any guilt. There is no generosity in attitude. I am poor myself and am not prejudice okay, just observant.
I predict once harvest time comes people will get in there, rape the plants and run off with the produce before others can get it. Some would even then try and
sell it.
However, having said that, I once lived in Darwin northern Australia where mango trees liberally lined the streets and their was no such behaviour at all. Reasons possibly were there were so many it was impossible to do it. Also, the mangoes were stringy and low on flesh, not your steroid juicy variety you see in the shops, and thus not highly desirable. I also grew up where Macadamia trees grew kind of liberally and no such behaviour was encountered.