bruce Fine wrote:there are some wonderful inner city examples around the country where blighted inner city space has been turned into lush garden areas
Jon Stika wrote:Contact your local soil conservation district or USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service where you wish to know more about the soil before you buy. They have professionals that will help you for free in assessing soil.
Gail Jardin wrote:In all irony of this forum, I went out and bought some seed starting soil yesterday
Gail Jardin wrote: I've always heard it's best to start with a sterile seed starting blend. But could you sterilizes soil of your own to use for seed starting?
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
😊 I have thought of pressure canning soil then letting it cool for starting seeds in. I wonder what pressure and time it would take?Anita Martini wrote:
Gail Jardin wrote: I've always heard it's best to start with a sterile seed starting blend. But could you sterilizes soil of your own to use for seed starting?
There are instructions on the internet on how to sterilize your own seed starting soil.
It is done either on a baking tray for a certain time, or with a big pot like an instant pot.
I think I have done so once, but I prefer to avoid the hassle (and the smell) and buy the little I need.
Also I have to think about all that good little creatures that I am killing off together with the bad things!
Gail Jardin wrote:
😊 I have thought of pressure canning soil then letting it cool for starting seeds in. I wonder what pressure and time it would take?
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
Anita Martini wrote:
Gail Jardin wrote:
😊 I have thought of pressure canning soil then letting it cool for starting seeds in. I wonder what pressure and time it would take?
What I found is: 60 min. in the pressure cooker, and then after cooling use immediately or seal tightly.
Alternative: Microwave for 10 min with 800 W
Hamilton Betchman wrote:I typically make my own seed starting blend. I typically sterilize the soil to kill the weed seeds, but I then re-inoculate it with some compost tea. Plants form their symbiotic relationships with microbes from the very moment they start to sprout.
Gail Jardin wrote:
Hamilton Betchman wrote:I typically make my own seed starting blend. I typically sterilize the soil to kill the weed seeds, but I then re-inoculate it with some compost tea. Plants form their symbiotic relationships with microbes from the very moment they start to sprout.
Do you worry about the compost tea having any pathogens? I will add superthrive to seed starting mix but usually don't add worm tea until the lid is off the dome.
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
Anita Martini wrote:Not sure if this is done in other regions, but here it is a recommended to use the soil from mole mounds for seed starting.
Usually it has a nice texture and as it comes from deeper layers, it is relatively free from unwanted seeds.
Today I collected a bag of mole earth. I will have to remove the stones though.
There are some other spots where the mole earth is very black and rich, but I don't think it is sustainable to go by car just to collect some soil. I will keep my eyes open and take my bucket with me in the trunk of my car in case I come across some of those very dark, fine mole mounds.
Skandi Rogers wrote:I buy seed starting mix, I use a LOT of it about 200L a year and that's only going to go up. I seem to remember seeing on TV a old way (1800's) of sterilising soil by building a bonfire and heaping it up round it basically steaming it, but I don't remember any more details, I really should look into it as I have light sandy soil that would be ideal for seeds, but I also have a lot of weed seed in it, which makes it useless. On my scale microwaves and ovens are not going to make a dent, and the electic cost would be more than the cost of buying starting medium.
Gail Jardin wrote:
Anita Martini wrote:Not sure if this is done in other regions, but here it is a recommended to use the soil from mole mounds for seed starting.
Usually it has a nice texture and as it comes from deeper layers, it is relatively free from unwanted seeds.
Today I collected a bag of mole earth. I will have to remove the stones though.
There are some other spots where the mole earth is very black and rich, but I don't think it is sustainable to go by car just to collect some soil. I will keep my eyes open and take my bucket with me in the trunk of my car in case I come across some of those very dark, fine mole mounds.
Wow! What a unique idea. Have people in your region been using mole mound soil for a long time or is it a new permaculture concept. Is there any lore or legend around using mole mounds for starting soil? I see a permaculture based Thorton Burgessesque children's story in the works if there is!
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
Gail Jardin wrote:
Skandi Rogers wrote:I buy seed starting mix, I use a LOT of it about 200L a year and that's only going to go up. I seem to remember seeing on TV a old way (1800's) of sterilising soil by building a bonfire and heaping it up round it basically steaming it, but I don't remember any more details, I really should look into it as I have light sandy soil that would be ideal for seeds, but I also have a lot of weed seed in it, which makes it useless. On my scale microwaves and ovens are not going to make a dent, and the electic cost would be more than the cost of buying starting medium.
Sounds like you grow a lot! Do you have a commercial farm or run a nursery/greenhouse?
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