Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
G Freden wrote:Hi Antonio, what digging predators are you contending with?
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Antonio Scotti wrote:
Don't you think that rats might still dig below those yard perimetral stones (in case I leave the run uncovered by either cement or flat stones?)
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot:
Adult chickens are known to attack rats - the issue is that rats attract larger predators that *can* and *will* attack and kill the adults. My approach is to do everything I can to keep chicken feed away from the rats to break that cycle. That includes having a rat-proof coop. We've stopped using chicken wire in favor of lower gauge (thicker - yes, it goes backward) wire and systems that stop the rats from thinking there might be food in there. We *never* use poisons for rats, as that only risks killing the predators that help keep their population in check. We remove things that rats could hide behind or under. We are in the country, so in a sense, we're trying to "keep the wild rats wild" just like people in bear country keep bears wild by making sure their garbage is bear-proofed.Skandi Rogers wrote:Rats will take eggs and chicks but shouldn't be a problem for adult chickens
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Skandi Rogers wrote:Rats will take eggs and chicks but shouldn't be a problem for adult chickens
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
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One's ecosystem is everything! We are so wet for months, but at temperatures that make metal happy to rust, so I'm going for permanence when I can. If I see Stainless Steel hinges on a discount table I grab them even if I don't have an immediate use, because at one point I ticked off hubby by using some expensive ones on a project. He didn't think a cheap project deserved quality SS hinges. The project sat out in all weather for 10 years before some of the wood failed, but I simply removed the hinges and put them back in the "hinges" box, so there's no waste in that. Dealing with rusty hinges is a much greater and ongoing pain.I've had galvanized metal mesh as the walls of my chook run- going underground by about 30cm, its been there for 4 years and hasn't rusted horrifically yet!
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"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
This secret army of atomic robot zombie men answers only to this tiny ad:
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