Hahaha Steve, i posted the same video yesterday, but with a screaming header.
These kind of waterworks
should be done in every country, we'd be on our way to paradise.
Ok we in the West don't have these vibrant young people anymore on the
land, but we got bulldozers and diggers.
Here in France, it's record droughts that happen all the time. It used to be nearly impossible to get permission to build a dam, recently the bureaucrats decided to make it even more difficult to retain
water on a small scale in a very authoritarian way. I guess some technocrats high up decide something and it is what us peasants have to do. Sure i get it, the major cities want and need water. But i don't understand why they are willing to let us starve of it. Climate change is here and they're clamping down on the little guy.
Most winter the water just flows into the stream, into the river, past the big
city into the ocean. That is how the tax funded technocratic system has set it up and that's how they are going to let it be. Climate change or not. No water for the country site, just drought and poverty. Subsidy for the big industrial agriculturalist who are tied by loans. Maybe we'll have to become as poor as those Indian farmers before they change laws.
be nice and just stop being mad at the bad guys.