thinking about how you are going to
sell these things---
sounds like you need to make a fruit bar type thing- so use half your flour/oat business on the bottom, baked into a crust, fruit on top of that, then the rest of the flour/oat stuff on top. then you can cut them into squares and wrap them.
I have a "fruit cake" recipe I make with whatever is seasonal that suffers all sorts of substitutions very well. It is not this recipe, but the proportions are very similar
and I`ve used rice and oat flour and it comes out really well.
Note the large amounts of fruit used. If you are using plums or peaches it can get a bit wet (you can flip the pieces upside down when you serve it, which helps) but but you can wrap the pieces in wax paper. People go NUTS for this cake.
I add spices (to replace or add to the citrus zest) depending on fruit I`m using. It is really a fabulous recipe that highlights the produce of the season.