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. . . bathes in wood chips . . .
We need to remember that all the inputs that "big Ag" require - fossil fuels, pesticides, commercial seed, chemical fertilizers - are produced by big companies that donate money to the people who run for government and who then support the hiring of people in government positions. Advertising has convinced everyone that this is the way to go, so we need clear compelling information if we want to redirect the system. And I *will* use the work "information" as tempting as it is to use the word "arguments" - I think that's part of the problem - arguments suggest a "winner" and a "looser", one "right way" and therefore anything else has to be a "wrong way" - if we're going to suggest a "permaculture way", I feel it has better odds of success if it demonstrates an alternate route. For example, George quoted USDA Secretary Perdue calling for "an agricultural productivity increase of 40% by 2050" and questioned that. What if we suggested that we redefine "agricultural productivity" to include City Farms, boulevard polyculture "orchards", and vertical food structures against buildings? Food produced where it needs to be sold? What if we push to shift the line between "farming" and "gardening"?Anne Pratt wrote:George, thank you for bringing this to our attention! I think that many of us will be willing to submit some comments, and that we can continue to develop those comments on this thread. Goodness knows we don't need "more of the same," from USDA.
Jay, I would be willing to take you up on your offer to share your writing skills and create even more compelling copy. I think if we give our fellow permies some choices, they can craft their own responses (and might be more eager to do so).
I would like to reference Gabe Brown and Joel Salatin in my response. (I'm going to look up the most appropriate citations for each.) Both are creative, innovative, and can speak to farmers from a highly credible position.
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For the record, mono-culture forests, aren't forests - they're mono-culture tree deserts. They're also at greater risk of both starting a forest fire, and spreading it to the uncontrollable levels we've seen recently. There's evidence that deciduous trees are important as fire breaks, and yet "professional foresters" see them as "garbage trees". Let's get them thinking outside the box, where a wide row of Sugar maples breaking up 10 acres of fir trees and provides the owner with a second source of income is seen positively. Similarly, we need to push coppicing for many wood needs - it can be done in very sustainable and ecologically responsible ways. I do wish Dave Jacke would get on with the book on the subject that's been a work in progress for 10 years now!*Forest Management: investing in forest management and restoration through "Shared Stewardship Agreements with States".
They haven't said here, "restored and artificial wetlands for removing nitrogen and other contaminants from run-off while generating useful biomass out of those contaminants". Unfortunately, the reality is that cities are contributing as much if not more of that nitrogen through people, pets and grass lawns! There's evidence that beavers not only support wetland creation, but their efforts at holding water on the land decrease the risk of forest fires. Biomass plants like cattails harvested from artificial wetlands can be composted for soil remediation.*Water Quality: Reduce nutrient loss by 30 percent nationally by 2050.
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1. What agricultural commodity, group of commodities, or customer base does your response pertain to or would benefit?
2. What are the biggest challenges and opportunities to increase productivity and/or decrease environmental footprint that should be addressed in the next 10- to 30-year timeframe?
3. For each opportunity identified, answer the following supplemental questions:
a. What might be the outcome for the innovation solution (e.g., the physical or tangible product(s) or novel approach) from each of the four innovation clusters?
b. What are the specific research gaps, regulatory barriers, or other hurdles that need to be addressed to enable eventual application, or further application, of the innovation solution proposed from each of the four innovation clusters?
Genome Design—Utilization of genomics and precision breeding to explore, control, and improve traits of agriculturally important organisms.
Digital/Automation—Deployment of precise, accurate and field-based sensors to collect information in real time in order to visualize changing conditions and respond automatically with interventions that reduce risk of losses and maximize productivity.
Prescriptive Intervention—Application and integration of data sciences, software tools, and systems models to enable advanced analytics for managing the food and agricultural system.
Systems Based Farm Management—Leverage a systems approach in order to understand the nature of interactions among different elements of the food and agricultural system to increase overall efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of farm enterprises.
George Yacus wrote:
The "clusters" they care about are as follows:
Genome Design—Utilization of genomics and precision breeding to explore, control, and improve traits of agriculturally important organisms.
Digital/Automation—Deployment of precise, accurate and field-based sensors to collect information in real time in order to visualize changing conditions and respond automatically with interventions that reduce risk of losses and maximize productivity.
Prescriptive Intervention—Application and integration of data sciences, software tools, and systems models to enable advanced analytics for managing the food and agricultural system.
Systems Based Farm Management—Leverage a systems approach in order to understand the nature of interactions among different elements of the food and agricultural system to increase overall efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of farm enterprises.
Still able to dream.
This is where phrasing one's response can make a huge difference. There are permacultural designers who are using camera drones to get accurate to the foot topo maps of properties and another that I know personally who's using moisture sensors to evaluate whether key line plowing is effective in our ecosystem (there's good research in Australia, but none where I live). So responses can focus on positive permaculture uses of automation and suggested responses can also be permaculture based, particularly in situations where we're trying to get industrial farmers to shift their focus to less industrial systems, while still enabling them to make enough money to pay their mortgage.Genomics and precision breeding? Looks like we are going to have to address loss of genetic diversity. Is this cluster even compatible at all with permaculture values? If you can think of a way, you are more clever than I in that regard. This is definitely a place where out of the box thinking would, at first glance, appear unwelcome.
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There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, a hole in the bucket, dear liza, a tiny ad:
GAMCOD 2025: 200 square feet; Zero degrees F or colder; calories cheap and easy