Howdy All!
Heres what I want to do, and I would love to hear thoughts and advice.... I want to build a stone/log
greenhouse that is either half
underground or burmed on the north wall. Why stone and log? Because they are free and on my property, I know it is probably the most labor intensive method but it will be very cheap! I am wondering if I can build a dry stacked stone wall, similar to the foundation of my farmhouse as a retaining wall underground. Then lay a log along the length of the top as a header and more logs as rafters, I was thinking to fasten them together timberlock screws would work? I will be using pine. This will be a passive
solar design with a
rocket stove I have already incorporated into the interior so I would love thoughts on how to improve, thoughts, wisdom from
experience etc... Look forward to all your insights! If you have any videos or links that would be great too!!